Monday, September 7, 2015

Teaser Book Blitz and Giveaway for THE SAME DEEP WATER by Lisa Swallow

Sometimes, believing the lies we tell ourselves is easier than dealing with the truth.

Once, I wanted to die. That was the night I met Guy.

The strange man with flowers stepped from the shadows and saved my life.

Guy. Dimpled smile. Body of a surf god. Smart and funny. Running out of time.

We became travelling companions through life, ticking off items on our bucket lists. 

I’d hidden from happiness for years and kept my life under strict control. Guy showed me how to step into the world and experience more, 

he brought light into the shadows and helped me through the darkness.

I became Phe again. I lived.

There’s just one problem.

We fell in love and this wasn’t part of our plans.

I thought we could face the future together, but Guy has a secret which changes everything.


The .99¢ sale ends tomorrow!


Lisa is an author of new adult romance and writes both paranormal and contemporary, often with a side of snark. Lisa is originally from the UK but moved to Australia in 2001 and now lives in Perth in Western Australia with her husband, three children and dog. 


Simina said...

Imi place foarte mult coperta <3 Aceasta carte mi se pare ca s-ar potrivi sa fie tradusa de editura Epica.

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Unknown said...

Si eu am aceeași părere. Poate chiar va apărea cândva la epica :))

Unknown said...

Îmi place genul acesta de carte. Sper sa apară și la noi, dacă nu o voi caută sa o cumpar în engleză :)

Simina said...

Nu cred ca o sa para prea curand la vreo editura romanesca. Cel ami bine ar fi sa te uiti pe Book deposity sau Book Express, poate gasesti acolo.

Si soarele e o stea

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