Friday, June 8, 2012

Prophecy of the Sisters series

Sixteen-year-old Lia Milthorpe and her twin sister Alice have just become orphans, and, as Lia discovers, they have also become enemies.

The twins are part of an ancient prophecy that has turned generations of sisters against each other. To escape from a dark fate and to remain in the arms of her beloved boyfriend James, Lia must end the prophecy before her sister does. Only then will she understand the mysterious circumstances of her parents' deaths, the true meaning of the strange mark branded on her wrist, and the lengths to which her sister will go to defeat her.

The ultimate battle between sisters is nearing, and its outcome could have catastrophic consequences. As sixteen year-old Lia Milthorpe searches for a way to end the prophecy, her twin sister Alice hones the skills she'll need to defeat Lia. Alice will stop at nothing to reclaim her sister's role in the prophecy, and that's not the only thing she wants: There's also Lia's boyfriend James.

Lia and Alice always knew the Prophecy would turn those closest to them against them. But they didn't know what betrayal could lead them to do. In the end, only one sister will be left standing.

 With time dwindling but her will to end the Prophecy stronger than ever, Lia sets out on a journey to find the remaining keys, locate the missing pages of the Prophecy, and convince her sister Alice to help--or risk her life trying. Lia has her beloved Dimitri by her side, but Alice has James, the man who once loved her sister--and maybe still does. James doesn't know the truth about either sister, or the prophecy that divides them. And Alice intends to keep it that way.

There are some secrets sisters aren't meant to share. Because when they do, it destroys them. This stunning conclusion to Michelle Zink's Prophecy of the Sisters trilogy will make saying good-bye bittersweet for readers.

Prophecy of the Sisters Novellas


Izabela said...

Seria pare chiar tare. Imi plac copertile cu statui. Este un subiect sensibil dupa parerea mea. Sa lupti impotriva surorii tale, mi se pare un lucru oribil.

andra lavander said...

suna promitator, concfruntarea dintre doua gemene mi se pare totusi destule de urata, sunt carti in care fii lupta impotriva tatilor sau fratii se intorc unii impotriva celorlati, dar doua persoane care impart acesi ADN sa se confrunte, mai rar, desi se spune, prin filme, ca unul dintre gemeni e malefic, in timp ce celalalt e bun

giddusadik said...

Mai auzisem de serie inainte, iar descrierea pare interesanta. Copertile im plac mult :)

Mirela said...

imi place descriera, mai ales partea cu profetia

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