When Seventeen-year-old
Deon Harbor saves a young boy from being hit by a car with her special
ability, she flees her hometown and hides away for six long years. Upon
her return, old wounds are reopened and Deon discovers that someone is
after her. In a future where having an un-human ability means public
execution, one girl will take a stand against it all and fight for her
life and the lives of others like her. (The first in a brand new action packed, supernatural series by the author of "Hollow.")
Suna promitator. In ultima vreme apar tot mai multe serii de genul asta si mereu ma intreb cum le tot vin idei noi care sa nu ne plictiseasca?
pare a fi interesanta. ma duce cu gandul la spulbera-ma.
@Izabela, cred ca merg si ei in pas cu tehnologia :)
mi se pare o cate frumoasam
@ Cristinab, si mie imi aduce aminte de Spulbera-ma
Cartea pare interesanta! Nu stiam de aceasta serie si pot spune ca si eu m-am gandit la Spulbera-ma cand am vazut coperta! Pot spune ca imi place mai mult coperta aceasta :D Mult mai mult.
Descrierea e destul de interesanta, deci presupun ca si cartea este. Coperta e superba :x
Coperta m-a dat pe spate! E superba! Iar cartea promite multe.
si pe mine la fel, arata asa de tare si coperta
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