The stunningly poignant and life-affirming debut novel by A.J. Compton
Imagine if we could see how long everyone around us had left to live. But we weren’t allowed to know our own numbers…
Trying to make sense of life after the death of her beloved father, free spirit Matilda Evans meets Tristan Isaacs and discovers a marrow-deep connection with him.
No stranger to grief himself, lonely artist Tristan is in awe of Matilda’s fun and philosophical approach to life. With every second spent in her presence, he finds his views on life and loss changing, and begins to embrace the beauty of being alive.
As their friendship turns into something deeper, lessons are learned, memories are made, and legacies are created.
But with both of them knowing how long their soulmate has left in this lifetime, important questions have to be asked and tough decisions have to be made before time runs out.
The Counting-Downers is an inspiring story about life, loss, love, and making the most of every moment.
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He moved with the times, the winds, and the sea. My father believed with fervency in working to live, rather than living to work. And best of all, he practiced what he preached.
Looking back with an almost-adult appreciation for hard work, I don’t know how he did it. I’m sure there were days when he was stressed or busy and needed to bring work home with him, but if he did, I never saw it. He always had or made time for us.
That’s a funny expression, to make time. Like we can somehow manufacture the infinitely finite.
Just one of the many ways humans attempt to construct an illusion of control over their lives.
We all have the same amount of time to spend every day, unless it’s your last. Final days are a bit unpredictable.
But aside from that, we each have twenty-four hours.
1,440 minutes. 86,400 seconds. Every day for the rest of your days.
You can’t make more, or give any away. But you can prioritize them for the right people or waste them on the wrong ones.
You can’t speed time up, or slow it down. But you can enjoy yourself so much it gives the illusion of flying past you, or spend your life doing something you hate, which leaves you so unfulfilled that the minutes seem to drag by.
The amount of time is not what makes us all different, it’s what we each choose to do with what we’re given that counts and is the true measure of a life.
You can tell a lot about a person by how they choose to spend their time. My father chose to spend the majority of his daily allotment of time with his family. Now that family has to work out how to spend time together without him.

A University of Cambridge graduate, A.J. is currently in a polygamous relationship with an embarrassing number of fictional book boyfriends.
Those two facts are not related. Honestly.
She loves people-watching and exploring her observations in her writing.
She really hates writing about herself in the third person.
Oh my God!! Cat imi place coperta!^^
Pai ce bine arată. Clar o cumpar. :o3
Dar si sinopsul este foarte interesant si captivant daca stai bine sa te gandesti. Nu am prea intalnit astfel de carti. Cred ca este distopica, nu?
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