Release Date: January 14, 2015
"I love you: those three words are so powerful they alone can change the world."
Jennifer Downs and Finnley Felton are drawn to one another like opposite ends of magnets.
Many things have changed since Jennifer moved from Texas to Vegas. Secrets from her past are uncovered and they leave her feeling like everything she knew was a lie. Jennifer desperately seeks the truth, while trying to plan her future. Safety is key, but how can one be truly safe while being hunted?
Love and hope mingle with revenge.
Finnley Felton is fearless. He never thought another woman could change his world, but now that Jennifer has, nothing but death itself could take her from him. While the monsters of the underground seek retribution, Jesse continues on her deadly path of destruction.
Bridges will be mended.
Secrets will be revealed, and for better or worse, lives will ultimately change forever.
Find out if Finnley and Jennifer get their happily ever after in the final installment of the Weakness Series.
Weak For Him (Weakness, #1)
Weak Without Him (Weakness, #2)
Forget the beach! Give me a gel pen, a stack of blank paper, and beautiful mountains!
Imi plac copertile de acest gen.
Intr-adevar, sunt superbe! <3
Pare draguta. Fetelor, voi selectati cartile astea la care va inscrieti pentru tours? Ca sunt foarte, foarte multe, si cred ca ar fi mai bine sa le alegeti pe cele despre care stiti ca sunt bune sau ati mai auzit de autorii respectivi sau care chiar va inspira ceva. Ca unele din cartile pe care le-am vazut pe la alte articole par cam nasoale.
suna optimist, de optimism am nevoie in carti, viata e si asa destul de pesimista
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