Wednesday, February 6, 2013

What a Boy Wants by Nyrae Dawn

Courtesy of watching his mom’s relationships, Sebastian Hawkins knows what girls need to do to get a guy. He has what he considers a PHD in hooking up. When he needs extra cash for a car, Sebastian starts up an online venture as The Hook-up Doctor, to anonymously help girls land the guy of their dreams. Of course, his services don’t offer a happily-ever-after guarantee. He’s seen firsthand getting together never means staying together.

And then he falls in love…

With the last girl he would expect…

Totally not in his game plan.

Suddenly, Sebastian finds himself muddled in the game he’s always prided himself on. He can’t even pick up girls at parties anymore! Why would anyone want to be in love when it turns you into a stuttering, screwed-up, mess with really lame stalker tendencies? Stalking? Totally not his gig.

But the Hook-up Doctor won’t let himself go down easily. He’s always known how to give a girl what she wants and now it’s time to figure out what a boy wants… and he definitely plans on getting it.


Cristinab said...

:)) asta as citi-o si eu!

Anonymous said...

o da , buna intrebare..cartea asta e perfecta din toate punctele de vedere

Unknown said...

as citi-o mai mult pentru titlu=))

Alexandra Ioana said...

imi place tipul dp coperta:))

Anonymous said...

e simpatic, are niste ochi frumosi, este reprezentativ pentru ce-si doreste un bait / barbat

Unknown said...

imi place ce i se intampla sa nu mai poata agata fete la petrecere

Alexandra Ioana said...

tipul de coperta pare tipul de baiat arogant :-?? care le vrea pe toate.

Anonymous said...

mi se pare normal sa para arogant avand in vedere cum este redat si frumuseta ce o emana .,.nu stiu daca as vrea genul acesta de baiat langa mine ..tipul asta de baieti sunt perfizirau de tot , dar asta nu inseamna ca nu e frumos ..

andra lavander said...

imi aduce aminte de un film, cu Will Smith cred, oricum interesanta

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