Autoarea seriei Damnare (Fallen) a lansat de curand un nou proiect
Mai jos va prezentam coperta si descrierea primului volum din seria Teardrop.
Never, ever cry. . . . Eureka Boudreaux's mother drilled that rule into her daughter years ago. But now her mother is gone, and everywhere Eureka goes he is there: Ander, the tall, pale blond boy who seems to know things he shouldn't, who tells Eureka she is in grave danger, who comes closer to making her cry than anyone has before.
But Ander doesn't know Eureka's darkest secret: ever since her mother drowned in a freak accident, Eureka wishes she were dead, too. She has little left that she cares about, just her oldest friend, Brooks, and a strange inheritance—a locket, a letter, a mysterious stone, and an ancient book no one understands. The book contains a haunting tale about a girl who got her heart broken and cried an entire continent into the sea. Eureka is about to discover that the ancient tale is more than a story, that Ander might be telling the truth . . . and that her life has far darker undercurrents than she ever imagined. From Lauren Kate comes an epic saga of heart-stopping romance, devastating secrets, and dark magic . . . a world where everything you love can be washed away.
But Ander doesn't know Eureka's darkest secret: ever since her mother drowned in a freak accident, Eureka wishes she were dead, too. She has little left that she cares about, just her oldest friend, Brooks, and a strange inheritance—a locket, a letter, a mysterious stone, and an ancient book no one understands. The book contains a haunting tale about a girl who got her heart broken and cried an entire continent into the sea. Eureka is about to discover that the ancient tale is more than a story, that Ander might be telling the truth . . . and that her life has far darker undercurrents than she ever imagined. From Lauren Kate comes an epic saga of heart-stopping romance, devastating secrets, and dark magic . . . a world where everything you love can be washed away.
Expected publication: October 22nd 2013 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers
Seria Damnare (Fallen) este aparuta in Romania la Editura Litera.
nu ma pot pronunta in ceea ce priveste stilul de scriere al acestei autoare deoarece nu am citit nimic de ea, dar i urez succes cu proiectul ei cel nou
seria pare promitatoare, dar nu
m-am bucurat eenorm cand am vz articolul 8-> sper ca va aparea si in romania,sunt fana lauren kate:x
pff,ce pacat ca nu stiu engleza,ca m-as apuca prima de ea,dar....astept,poate va fi tradusa aici in romania,dupa ce va fi lansata.
eh si eu mai am de invatat engleza ..dar ca si carte pare draguta
Tinand cont ca este in portofoliul Litera,poate o sa o avem si la noi aceasta serie.
sper sa fie scoasa la litera....acolo imi doresc sa fie lansata,am savurat seria damnare pagina cu pagina si sunt dependenta de ea:X,sunt fana.
eu nu sunt foarte incantata de litera , apoi fiecare cu gusturile refer la copertele cartilor noi ..caci cele legte de biblioteca pentru toti nu pot zice asta deoarece le iubesc ..
de la biblioteca am imprumutat doar de doua/trei ori carti care mi-au placut,tot stilul asta:horror/fantasy si chiar au fost bune,mi-a placut tare mult bram stocker dracula:X
nu ma refeream la biblioteca in sine ci colectia de carti iblioteca pentru toti care este partenera cu editura litera:)) despre bram stoker..e singura carte cu vampiri careia nu am ce sa-i reprosez ..:)) sau nu aveam inainte acum daca as reciti-o poate ca voi gasii cate ceva :))
nu ma atrage autoarea asta deloc..
eu zic sa incerci seria damnare krisszu pentru ca merita sa stii,e o serie exceptionala:X poate ca primul volum te va plictisi dar in restu actiunea va deveni mai palpitanta:X
pai poate ca , dupa ce voi termina seriile incepute ma voi concentra si inspre ea :)) multumesc pentru recomandare
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