Expected release date: 23 April 2013
Life outside of her house was a new experience for Della Sloane. The dark secrets of her past weren’t something she ever intended to share with anyone. They would never understand. No one would ever get close enough to find out. Besides there was always a chance she’d go crazy sooner than they expected…
Woods Kerrington had never been one to be attracted to fragile females. They seemed like too much work. He wasn’t in it for the work just the pleasure. A night full of naughty fun had been exactly what was on his mind when he’d laid eyes on the hot little number that didn’t know how to pump gas and needed some help.
What he didn’t know was she was as fragile as they came.
The carefree girl who spoke her mind and didn’t care what the world thought of her was more breakable than he could ever imagine…
Woods Kerrington had never been one to be attracted to fragile females. They seemed like too much work. He wasn’t in it for the work just the pleasure. A night full of naughty fun had been exactly what was on his mind when he’d laid eyes on the hot little number that didn’t know how to pump gas and needed some help.
What he didn’t know was she was as fragile as they came.
The carefree girl who spoke her mind and didn’t care what the world thought of her was more breakable than he could ever imagine…
too far este o serie frumoasa am auzit atat de multe lucruri despre ea si ma atrage foarte mult
imi plac atat de mult aceste coperti de dragoste :X sunt atat de frumoase si de magice <3
coperta nu mi se pare cine stie ce dar imi place cum e scris twisted
coperta e superba!!!!
trebuie sa citesc si eu volumele aparute.
lectura placuta. pe mine personal nu prea ma atrage
eh bia ..tu preferi cartile fantastice am observat ..poate cand vei avea timp vei arunca ochii asupra unei carti romantice ..
asa-i,coperta asta este foarte superba 8-> nu sunt eu cu cartile romantice,dar am cateva incercari in biblioteca si abiastept sa pun mana pe ele sa vad cum suna.
si eu am cateva carti in biblioteca dar nu sunt tentante toate
din cate am vazut eu cartile lui abbi sunt foarte recomandate pe blogul asta. sunteti fane ale autoarei nu?
eu ma bucur ca sunt recomandate mai cladesc ochii cu cateva carti
Mie imi place si mi-ar placea sa apara si la noi<3
da asa mai avem si noi ocazia sa mai cunoastem unele titluri
titluri ca titluri dar si povesti plus personaje ..aww..
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