Saturday, February 2, 2013

Cover Reveal! The Other Tree by DK Mok

 Expected Publication Date: December 2013 by Spence City

 It’s been four years since Chris Arlin graduated with a degree that most people think she made up, and she’s still no closer to scraping up funding for her research into rare plants. Instead, she’s stacking shelves at the campus library, until a suspiciously well-dressed man offers her a lucrative position on a scientific expedition.

For Chris, the problem isn’t the fact that they’re searching for the Biblical Tree of Life. Nor is it the fact that most of the individuals on the expedition seem to be fashionably lethal mercenaries. The problem is that the mission is being backed by SinaCorp, the corporation responsible for a similar, failed expedition on which her mother died eleven years ago.

However, when Chris’s father is unexpectedly diagnosed with inoperable cancer, Chris sees only one solution. Vowing to find the Tree of Life before SinaCorp’s mercenaries, Chris recruits Luke, an antisocial campus priest undergoing a crisis of faith. Together, they embark on a desperate race to find Eden. However, as the hunt intensifies, Chris discovers growing evidence of her mother’s strange behaviour before her death, and she begins to realise that SinaCorp isn’t the only one with secrets they want to stay buried.


Unknown said...

interesanta. coperta ma duce putin cu gandul la un puzzle

Anonymous said...

Ohoo mai e pana apare.Dar nu stiu de ce(awkward) cum m-am uitat la ea cum m-a atras:))Si citind si descrierea mi-a placut si mai mult.Pare putin imbarligata,desi pare simpla actiunea.Subiectul este unul nou pentru mine,caci nu am mai citit o astfel de carte pana acum;-?.Deci da,mi-ar placea sa o citesc

Anonymous said...

si mie imi place coperta , ma duce cu gandul la un mozaic :* e foarte frumos realizata ..copacul acela singuratic, cheia ce deschide diverse porti spre alte lumi.dar are putin sange acea cheie sau cel putin asa pare ,iar sarpele ..da e genial..sunt draguti de la distanta , nu cred ca mi-ar face placere sa vad vreunul in viata reala sisa fie si flamand;)

Anonymous said...

Cat despre subiectul cartii, este unul nou pentru mine si mi-ar face placere sa o citesc..astept cu nerabdare sa apara ;)) dar dupa cum se vede mai avem de asteptat ceva timp :)

Unknown said...

sa sti ca nici eu nu prea am intalnit carti cu o astfel de poveste. sunt intrigata

Anonymous said...

dar de asemenea si putin curioasa ...trebuie sa recunosc...

Unknown said...

curios e putin spus sper sa apara si la noi, dar slabe sanse

Anonymous said...

poate la Rao..dar nu prea cred, ei merg pe genul acesta de vedem .cine stie ce surprize ne vor pregatii editurile in acest an ;)sau la anu..

Unknown said...

anul asta zic eu caci abia a inceput

Anonymous said... fi cel mai frumos cadou posibil dar cine stie

Unknown said...

ar fi frumos. sper sa ne asculte rugamintile

Anonymous said...

da, doar sa reuseasca sa le vada careva care are vreo legatura cu o editura sau ceva

Alexandra Ioana said...

imi place coperta,si imi place mult de tot ca se afla acolo jos si sarpele,cheia si sangele,o fi insemand ceva toate astea.

Alexandra Ioana said...

da,si ar fi interesant sa o scoata o editura de la noi:>.ummm,ar fi perfect.inca o noua achizitie:D

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