Thursday, January 3, 2013

Fallen Too Far (Fallen Too Far #1) by Abbi Glines

To want what you’re not supposed to have…

She is only nineteen.

She is his new stepfather’s daughter.

She is still naïve and innocent due to spending the last three years taking care of her sick mother.

But for twenty-four year old Rush Finlay, she is the only thing that has ever been off limits. His famous father’s guilt money, his mother’s desperation to win his love, and his charm are the three reasons he has never been told no.

Blaire Wynn left her small farmhouse in Alabama, after her mother passed away, to move in with her father and his new wife in their sprawling beach house along the Florida gulf coast. She isn’t prepared for the lifestyle change and she knows she’ll never fit into this world. Then there is her sexy stepbrother who her father leaves her with for the summer while he runs off to Paris with his wife. Rush is as spoiled as he is gorgeous. He is also getting under her skin. She knows he is anything but good for her and that he’ll never be faithful to anyone. He is jaded and has secrets Blaire knows she may never uncover but even knowing all of that…

Blaire just may have fallen too far.


Anonymous said...

ador cartile romance sunt superbe ;)) Iar aceasta carte are cam tot ce trebuie , pasinue , savoare , o poveste interesanta si o coperta draguta :* o ador ;)) Plus scrisul acela roz

Cristinab said...

coperta e frumoasa! :D
si descrierea la fel. daca relatia lor va deveni serioasa, se pare ca parintii ar trebui sa se desparta.
si chiar e too far ceea ce se intapla intre ei.

alexa ioana said...

imi place descrierea, este destul de draguta cartea
coperta nu e chiar pe gustul meu:D

Unknown said...

vai ce frumoasa e coperta atat de luminoasa si placuta. Ma bucur ca fata nu mai are 16 ani. m-am cam saturat de carti unde personajul principal are 15-16 ani

Anonymous said...

sa vezi cat sunt de dragute cele in care protagonistele au 12-13 ani si se comporta precum cele de 18 ..

alexa ioana said...

si eu m-am plictisit de cartile in care personajele au 16-18 ani. parca toate sunt la fel, au acelasi subiect, etc
sper ca editurile sa mai scoata si alt gen de carti

Unknown said...

da asa eeu prefer mai degraba cele chic pentru ca acolo personajele pot avea 20 sau 30 sau 18

Unknown said...

imi imaginez krisszu le urasc, dar vad ca din ce in ce mai multe fete mici pe la noi se comporta asa

Alexandra Ioana said...

da ce coperta romantica:))),merge cartea,da pacat ca nu stiu engleza,ca astfel as citi de toate in engleza=)))

Duduş said...

Coperta e superba si pot spune ca si baiatul/ :-" hihi>:)
Din cate am citit despre ea e genul de carte pe care nu prea o poti lasa din mana o adta ce ai inceput-o

andra lavander said...

imi plc genul asta de carti, romantice si usoare

Unknown said...

da sunt placute pentru ca te relaxeaza si totodata te captiveaza. Daca mai este si o poveste reusita atunci chiar ca e o carte pe care merita sa o citesti

Anonymous said...

e dureros cand vezi adolescente purtandu-se mai matur , doar ca mai matur in viziunea lor sunt exagerarile lor ..cineva mi-a spus candva ca e mult mai important sa fii tu asa cum esti , pentru ca fiecare varsta isi are etapele ei, de ce vrem sa le ardem ? ..adica daca ai 14ani fii de 14,, daca ai 18 ramai si bucura-te de varsta ta o da in extreme ..uneori e mult mai bine sa fii copil cel putin asta ador

Anonymous said...

da dudus si eu iubesc cartile romance ..insa unele sunt putin cam exagerate, de cele mai multe ori , dramele personajelor se impletesc cu dramele adolescentilor sau a tinerilor din ziua de azi ..

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