Friday, August 17, 2012

Taken (The Watchers Trilogy 0.5) by Karice Bolton

A Watchers Novella

Ana and Athen are enjoying the quiet life as a couple with only the minor dark demon infraction to rectify. Cyril and Arie are enjoying the newfound simplicity too. Things are perfect – too perfect.

They soon realize that something far more sinister is taking place in their world, and they must do their best to stop the evil from spreading. Determined to figure out who is tampering with the mortals’ fate they are unable to recognize that it’s a trap, and one of their own is the target.

This is where it all begins.


andra lavander said...

coperta este superba si descrierea pare interesanta

Cristinab said...

coperta chiar e frunoasa pentru ca e.. 1 % body fat :D
imi place si descrierea. si am impresia ca tina ar fi chiar ea :-?

Jacqline said...

Suna interesant! E prima oara cand aud de serie.
Multumesc ca mi-ati adus-o la cunostiinta :D

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