Friday, July 20, 2012

Magnus - Se potriveste Gao sau nu?

Nu prea sunt eu adepta stirilor de genul asta, dar cred ca Magnus merita atentia si preocuparea noastra. Asa ca uitati ce-am gasit pe

We haven’t been this excited to report on casting news in a while. Along with Game of Thrones’s Lena Headey as Jocelyn Fray and Jared Harris as Hodge Starkweather, actor Godfrey Gao has been cast as Magnus Bane in the movie adaptation of the first book in Cassandra Clare’s wildly popular YA series, Mortal Instruments: City of Bones. They’ll join Lily Collins as Clary and Jamie Campbell-Bower as Jace on the project.
We think you’ll agree the best way to celebrate this news is with a Friday Beefcake dedicated to Gao.


Anonymous said...

Ati primit o leapsa de la mine !

Geo. said...

Pff, arata genial tipul, numai sa vedem cum o sa fie in film, sper sa nu ma dezamageasca. Sincer, chiar sper sa nu.

Bonnie Ithil said...

Si eu am avut un post despre el si chiar cred ca se potriveste :D

CCAM said...

Imi plac prima si ultima poza, iar ultima chiar se potriveste cu MB.
O sa vedem. Am impresia ca e/a fost model, nu?

Bonnie Ithil said...

@ CCAM, model si actor... oricum degeaba incercam sa facem comparatii acum pentru ca el o sa arate foarte diferit in film... daca o sa se tina cont de descrierea lui Magnus din carte, Gao v-a avea par colorat, machiaj si ochi de pisica :D

CCAM said...

daaa ce dulce e MB

Cristinab said...

e frumos tipul :)

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