Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Shadows in the Silence (Angelfire #3) by Courtney Allison Moulton

In the final battle for Heaven and Earth, Ellie, who has the reincarnated soul of an ancient reaper-slayer, must grapple with her archangel powers to save herself and all of humanity.


Unknown said...
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Izabela said...

Imi place mult a treia coperta (nu ca celelalte nu ar fi dragute). Poate asta are legatura cu luna din fundal. Am eu o atractie fata de luna.

Mirela said...

ador copertile, toate arata super bine

Nya said...

O serie genială... Cred. Sper. Poate. :)

andra lavander said...

frumoase coperti

giddusadik said...

Tot cu coasa, fata este intr-adevar kick-ass!:D Imi place mult coperta celui de-al treilea volum (cea verde), e foarte frumoasa, ca si celelalte doua, de altfel.

Si soarele e o stea

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