Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Cover - Revel by Maurissa Guibord

There's an island off the coast of Maine that's not on any modern map. Shrouded in mist and protected by a deadly reef, Trespass Island is home to a community of people who guard the island and its secrets from outsiders. Seventeen-year-old Delia grew up in Kansas, but has come here in search of her family and answers to her questions: Why didn't her mother ever talk about Trespass Island? Why did she fear the open water? But Delia's not welcome and soon finds herself enmeshed in a frightening and supernatural world where ancient Greek symbols adorn the buildings and secret ceremonies take place on the beach at night. Sean Gunn, a handsome young lobsterman, befriends Delia and seems willing to risk his life to protect her. But it's Jax, the coldly elusive young man she meets at the water's edge, who finally makes Delia understand the real dangers of life on the island. Delia is going to have to fight to survive. Because there are monsters here. And no one ever leaves Trespass alive.
Expected publication: February 12th 2013 by Delacorte Books for Young Readers 


Izabela said...

Mi se pare destul de comuna cartea. Nu prea mai aduce ceva nou. Coperta in schimb este foarte frumoasa.

Mirela said...

iza mie una mi se pare foarte misto, mai ales cand are legatura cu grecia antica

Cristinab said...

simpluta si frumoasa coperta, acum continutul are ultimul cuvant.

giddusadik said...

Pare ok decsrierea, dar coperta nu-mi place deloc.

Si soarele e o stea

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