Thursday, May 9, 2013

Cover Reveal & Giveaway: Maverick by Anna Cruise

 Maverick by Anna Cruise
Publication date: May 21st 2013
Genre: New Adult Contemporary

Kellen Handler is in deep.

Ever since he can remember, he’s wanted to be a professional surfer. And he made it, rising to the top of the ranks, traveling the world and riding every break he’s ever dreamed of. His good looks and reputation for living on the edge—both in and out of the water—have made him an international superstar. But when his best friend dies in a tragic accident, Kellen wipes out big time, spiraling so badly that everything he’s worked for starts to disintegrate.

Tour officials scramble to do damage control and demand he work with a public relations company to clean up his bad boy image. It doesn't help that the person assigned to him, Gina Bellori, has her own demons associated with the surfing world.

Against her better judgement Gina accepts the job and concentrates on repairing Kellen's tattered reputation, despite his protests and despite the pain it causes her. With her past colliding with her present—and Kellen in the thick of it—she begins to realize that some secrets can't stay hidden.

And suddenly, Kellen Handler is no longer worried about losing his career.

He's more worried about losing his heart.

About the Author:
Anna Cruise has been writing and drooling over boys since middle school. Lots of years have passed but some things never change...

IT WAS YOU is her debut novel. She is currently at work on two Young Adult novels and two additional New Adult titles (including Tana's story!)

Author Links:


20$ Amazon Gift Card. Open Internationally!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

hot,aș vrea să zic ceva dar m-a furat peisajul.

Alexandra Ioana said...

hoooottttttt :))))
multe as vrea sa zic, da mai bine ma abtin :D :))) coperta asta e fresh :))

Anonymous said...

Mă gândeam că-s dingura =))

Andreea Ilie said...

wooow:)))))...i like it ;))

Alexandra Ioana said...

ce patrateleee :))
si ce abdomen =))) 8-}

natașa said...

De ce am impresia că e -totuși- cam exagerată coperta?!

cafebiblioart said...

nu stiu cat de buna e cartea, dar daca nu ai mentionat de ea, in librarii nici nu m-as fi uitat la ea

Andd D. said...

Nu ma incanta. Pare genul de carte care o gasesti doar in format electronic si intr-un fel m-am cam saturat sa vad tot felul de carti cu tipi la bustul gol pe coperta...adica, genul asta de carte ma duce cu gandul la faptul ca in cartea respectiva exista numai dialog si scene...ceva mai intime.

Si soarele e o stea

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