Sunday, March 3, 2013

Release Event TRUST IN ME by Bethany Lopez

Genre:Contemporary Romance- novella
Age Group: New Adult
Event organized by:AToMR Tours
Buy Links


Roni’s dreams of becoming a contemporary dancer were smashed under the brutal rage of her ex-husband's fists. Getting divorced and starting over at the age of twenty-two was never her plan, but maybe in Texas, she'll find her path. When the town's local player, Rich, opens a Rec Center, she sees a way to rekindle her dancing dreams...and maybe have a little fun with her sexy new boss.

Rich never expected to fulfill his dreams in the town he planned to leave behind, but that's just what he's doing. His reputation as a noncommittal ladies' man might make it challenging to earn respect in the business world, but he's willing to prove that he's serious. In fact, when it comes to pursuing Roni, he's more than willing. But she's taking a page out of his book, not wanting to risk another relationship. Can he convince her that his playboy days are over and that she can trust him with her heart?

She pushed the door open and peered inside. Her jaw dropped and her eyes seemed to freeze open at the site before her.
            There was a makeshift bed in the corner, boxes strewn about the room, and a door that led into a small bathroom. In the center of the room Rich stood in nothing but basketball shorts. His very toned and naturally tanned body glistened with sweat as he worked the speed bag before him, his fist moving rapidly as they punched.
            The quick curl of lust in her belly shocked Roni. She’d never had such an intense and immediate reaction to a man before. Even more shocking was the fact that it was Rich that caused her body to suddenly feel infused with liquid heat.
            He hadn’t heard her enter. The music was too loud, and he was totally focused on pounding the bag.
            Roni couldn’t look away. She felt a visceral need to touch. As the muscles rippled under his skin with each movement, her hands itched to feel.
Roni shook her head briefly. What was she thinking? This was Rich. A player. A Flirt. The exact opposite of the kind of guy she needed in her life.
Someone needed to explain that to her legs, she thought. They were about to give out.
            Suddenly she realized that the movement before her had stopped. She shouted out, “Hey,” to get Rich’s attention, before he turned and caught her staring at him. The last thing she needed was for Rich to think she thought he was hot!
            Rich wiped at his brow and turned, a grin spreading across his face when he saw her in the doorway. He held up a finger, to tell her to give him a second. He crossed the room and bent to turn down his iPod.
            Roni stifled a grown at the sight of his ass as he bent over. Who knew a man’s ass could be so freakin’ tight? And his back… Good Lord!
            Roni composed herself as he turned back towards her, but couldn’t help the jitters of happiness in her stomach, when he didn’t reach for a shirt.
            “What’s up, Roni?” He seemed truly happy to see her.
            “Hey,” She responded, trying to focus on his face. His brown hair was curling at the ends, damp with sweat. She didn’t understand why she found that so attractive. Maybe it had been too long since she’d had sex. It shouldn’t feel like she had to make a concerted effort not to throw herself at him. “Um, not much. I hope I’m not intruding.”


An eBook copy of TRUST IN ME. Open International. 
Good Luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

About the Author

Bethany Lopez was born in Detroit, Michigan, and grew up in Michigan and San Antonio, Texas. She went to High School at Dearborn High, in Dearborn, Michigan, which is where she has set her Young Adult series. She is married and has a blended family with five children. She is currently serving in the United States Air Force as a Recruiter in Los Angeles, California. She has always loved to read and write and has seen her dream realized by independently publishing her novels through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and Smashwords.

Author social media links:


meduza said...

It's notthe most original book I've ever read about, but from the Excerpt, the author's style is so funny and amazing, I definetely would love to read the book. Thank you for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

pai mult succes celor care isi doresc sa se inscrie la aces asta am mai vazuto si pare una destul de interesanta :))

Andreeea said...

De acord cu furelise. Am mai vazut astfel de carti si nu mi se pare o idee foarte originala, dar daca as face rost de ea, as citi-o. pare totusi interesanta povestea.

natașa said...

Eu una aș citi-o cu toate că nu e tocmai cea mai originală idee!
Mulțumim de giveaway! :)

Crina|| booktwist_ said...

Pare draguta din ce-am citit in excerpt pentru ca asa ideea e cam "fumata". Insa ca orice idee depinde si cum e pusa in aplicare; deci o trec pe lista mea.

Andreeea said...

Daca as avea-o si eu as citi-o :))
Poate cine stie cum da norocl peste mine si o castig :)

Anonymous said...

andreea poate o vei castiga ;)) ...acum subiectul poate nu e tocmai original , darsa fim seriosi acum;)) pare draguta

Anonymous said...

O alta poveste de viata,un divort ce naruie visele... E un cliseu,dar prinde la public. Chiar daca povestea nu mai e asa originala as citi-o fiindca trebuie sa aiba acolo ceva mai deosebit de alte carti. :) Ar fi o lectura placuta!

Ellena said...

Din cate am citit in acest post, cartea suna ca o lectura care ar prinde bine la orice moment. E un fel de pauza (mai mult o usurare) de la cartile fantasy care sunt citite in majoritatea timpului. As vrea foarte mult sa o citesc, dar momentan am multe altele in biblioteca pe care s-a asezat praful. Poate dupa ce termin o parte din ele, imi voi comanda si aceasta carte. Succes tuturor celor care participa la concurs!

Cristina said...

Pare draguta, numai buna cand nu ai altceva de facut.

Andreea said...

Mi se pare o carte foarte frumoasa de citit.Sper sa am ocazia sa o pot citi.

Andreeea said...

Chiar daca nu este un subiect foarte original, nici o carte nu este la fel. Toate difera si asta depinde si de autor. Asa ca da, mi-ar place sa o citesc

Anonymous said...

sincera sa fiu si mie mi-ar face placeresa o citesc , adica ..este intr-un fel desprins din viata reala plus mai puina fantezie, de lacare am hotarat putin sa iau o pauza nu de tot, ci catsa termin provocarea cartilor clasice ..

Unknown said...

nici mie. nu prea mai imi plac cartile astea. sunt prea siropoase

andra lavander said...

cred ca majoritatea subiectelor de carti au fost abordate, acum depinde de autor cum dezvolta ideea, poate fi un succes sau un esec

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