Thursday, March 7, 2013

Cover Reveal: Through the Zombie Glass (White Rabbit Chronicles #2) by Gena Showalter

Expected publication: September 2013 by Harlequin Teen

Inspired by the childhood classic Alice in Wonderland, this harrowing and romantic story features teen zombie slayer Alice Bell who has lost so much—family, friends, her home. After a strange new zombie attack, Alice fears she may be losing her mind as well. A terrible darkness blooms inside her, urging her to do wicked things. The whispers of the dead assault her ears and mirrors seem to come frighteningly to life. She’s never needed her team of zombie slayers more—including her boyfriend, Cole—than she does now. But as Cole strangely withdraws and the zombies gain new strength, Ali knows one false step may doom them all.

Book 1:
She won’t rest until she’s sent every walking corpse back to its grave. Forever.

Had anyone told Alice Bell that her entire life would change course between one heartbeat and the next, she would have laughed. From blissful to tragic, innocent to ruined? Please. But that’s all it took. One heartbeat. A blink, a breath, a second, and everything she knew and loved was gone.

Her father was right. The monsters are real….

To avenge her family, Ali must learn to fight the undead. To survive, she must learn to trust the baddest of the bad boys, Cole Holland. But Cole has secrets of his own, and if Ali isn’t careful, those secrets might just prove to be more dangerous than the zombies….

I wish I could go back and do a thousand things differently.
I'd tell my sister no.
I'd never beg my mother to talk to my dad.
I'd zip my lips and swallow those hateful words.
Or, barring all of that, I'd hug my sister, my mom and my dad one last time.
I'd tell them I love them.
I wish... Yeah, I wish.


Anonymous said...

cartile astea doua merg pe principiul alice in tara minunilor ? Nu stiu cum sau de cand dar multe adaptari s-au facut dupa cartile copilariei, spre exemplu fratii grim;)) acum intreb cum ar arata o alaba ca zapada readptata la zilele noastre ..myu..a fi genial intr-o ipostaza fantasy..:)) dar lasand asta la o parte ..e atat de dragut ieprele ;))

Crina @Reading Addict said...

Cred ca a doua coperta e mai draguta ca prima sau o fi din cauza culorilor. Oricum nu prea ma dau in vant dupa "repovestiri".

Crina|| booktwist_ said...

Imi place coperta, insa nu pot sa zic ca seria ma atrage prea mult.

Christyna_BM said...

Nu am citit-o inca, spre rusinea mea, dar ma asteapta pe raft. Am inteles ca nu ar fi chiar o repovestire. Kriszu, cred ca repovestiri dupa Snow White s-au mai facut. Ultima chiar anul trecut, filmul Snow White and the Huntsman.

Unknown said...

mi se pare ca aceasta coperta e chiar mai frumoasa decat prima si ma bucur ca au pastrat ideea

Andreeea said...

Imi place mult coperta. Imi doresc seria asta inca de cand am gasit pe goodreads primul volum

dark_eyes said...

In sfarsit apare! Primul volum a fost genial si am auzit ca volumul doi e si mai si :)

Andreeea said...

Of doamneeeeeee. Toti zis ca e geniala, vreau si eu sa o citesc. O are cineva in format ebook?

andra lavander said...

nu sunt o fana a zombiilor

Anonymous said...

ciudat eu am ramas in urma rau de tot..;)) dar recunosc ca nu prea sunt o mare cinefila, deci e posibil sa mi fi scapat

Unknown said...

Am citit prima carte şi abia o aştept pe a doua. Ambele coperţi îmi plac, dar parcă asta are ceva mai frumos în ea faţă de prima.

Ellena said...

Si prima carte, si aceasta au coperti geniale. Iar in ele este vorba despre zombie!
Nu am citit cartea din pacate, dar as da orice ca sa o am.. Am prea multe carti necitite si daca imi tot cumpar altele vor ramane singure si suparate pe raft..
Trebuie sa ma pun sa le citesc cat mai curand ca sa pot incepe altele.

Unknown said...

si eu incerc sa imi mai eliberez lista de necitite chiar sunt prea multe deja. e ca in reclamaa aia la tv cand i se strica masina de spalat si ea e ingropata in rufe nespalate care se tot aduna asa si eu cu cartiile=)))

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