Monday, March 4, 2013

Cover reveal! Descendant by Nichole Giles

Publication date: May 1st 2013 by Rhemalda Publishing
Genre: YA Paranormal
Seventeen-year-old Abigail Johnson is Gifted.

Blessed—or cursed—with Sight and Healing, Abby lives an unsettled life, moving from place to place and staying one step ahead of the darkness that hunts her. When she arrives in Jackson, Wyoming, she is desperate to maintain the illusion of normalcy, but she is plagued with visions of past lives mixed with frightening glimpses of her future. Then she meets Kye, a mysterious boy who seems so achingly familiar that Abby is drawn to him like he’s a missing piece of her own soul.

Before Abby can discover the reason for her feelings toward Kye, the darkness catches up to her and she is forced to flee again. But this time she’s not just running. She is fighting back with Kye at her side, and it’s not just Abby’s life at stake.

About the author
Nichole Giles had early career plans of becoming an actress or a rock star, but she decided instead to have a family and then become a writer. Writing is her passion, but she also loves to spend time with her husband and children, travel to tropical and exotic destinations, drive in the rain with the convertible top down, and play music at full volume so she can sing along.
Find her on:


Nichole Giles said...

Thanks for your help with this!

Christyna_BM said...

You're very welcome!

natașa said...

I just love the cover!

Andreea said...

O carte invaluita de mister.Imi place,iar coperta este perfecta.

Maji Bookshelf said...

oh WOW, that cover is BEAUTIFUL!

- Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

Anonymous said...

imi plac foarte mul tcartuile cu coperte simple si mai putin realiste, dar asta are ceva atragator in ea

Andreeea said...

Coperta e geniala! ♥ si cartea mi se pare foarte interesanta. Mereu mi-au placut cartile de genu acesta

Unknown said...

ador coperta. mi se pare chiar frumoasa si imi aminteste de videoclipul unei piese pe care o ascultam non stop cand eram mica

Anonymous said...

poate ca seamana cucristina radauta ..avea ea videoclipul amor, amor

Unknown said...

nu mie imi aminteste de thalia cu no me ensenaste

Ellena said...

That cover..=p~! Sa nu mai spun ca verde e culoare mea preferata! Si cartea pare interesanta, adica dupa descriere ii dau o sansa. Chiar as vrea sa o rasfoiesc putiin..:3

Anonymous said...

Coperta este foarte frumoasa,dar povestea mi se pare chiar interesanta. Abia astept sa incep sa o citesc! :)

Andreeea said...

Am vazut ca se organizeaza si un tur al cartii. Datorita voua voi participa si eu ♥ Altfel nu as fi stiut de aceasta carte

andra lavander said...

I like the cover, i'm in love with the rain

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