Monday, January 28, 2013

The Rules (Project Paper Doll #1) by Stacey Kade

1. Never trust anyone.

2. Remember they are always searching.

3. Don’t get involved.

4. Keep your head down.

5. Don’t fall in love.

Five simple rules. Ariane Tucker has followed them since the night she escaped from the genetics lab where she was created, the result of combining human and extraterrestrial DNA. Ariane’s survival—and that of her adoptive father—depends on her ability to blend in among the full-blooded humans in a small Wisconsin town, to hide in plain sight at her high school from those who seek to recover their lost (and expensive) “project.”

But when a cruel prank at school goes awry, it puts her in the path of Zane Bradshaw, the police chief’s son and someone who sees too much. Someone who really sees her. After years of trying to be invisible, Ariane finds the attention frightening—and utterly intoxicating. Suddenly, nothing is simple anymore, especially not the rules…


Anonymous said...

imi place mult aceasta carte :)

Unknown said...

Can't wait to read this!

Sunny @ Blue Sky Bookshelf

alexa ioana said...

si eu vreau sa o citesc!!
suna awesome

Anonymous said...

imi place ultima si prima regula trebuie sa le aplic si eu in viata reala ;))

Unknown said...

coperta mi se pare ook dar povestea ma atrage mult

Anonymous said...

eu ma tot gandeam si ma suceam ...intr-o societate fara regului ar fi o adevarata debandada, daca intervin reguli , pai cum domn'le e democratie ..cum e mai bine ???adica da avem liberul arbitru, dar nu suntem obisnuiti sa ne asumam consecinte ..chiar deloc...vrem sa fim liberi, dar in libertatea noastra ne trezim constrani de tirania societatii, apoi intervine efctul de turma cum tot stateam eu asa si imi bateam capsorul am ajuns la concluzia ca aceasta carte se face vinovata de adaugarea acestui comentariu..

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