Sunday, January 20, 2013

My Beating Teenage Heart by C.K. Kelly Martin

Ashlyn Baptiste is falling. One moment she was nothing—no memories, no self—and then suddenly, she's plummeting through a sea of stars. Is she in a coma? She doesn't remember dying, and she has no memories of the life she left behind. All she knows is that she's trapped in a consciousness without a body and she's spending every moment watching a stranger.

Breckon Cody's on the edge. He's being ripped apart by grief so intense it literally hurts to breathe. On the surface, Breckon is trying to hold it together for his family and his girlfriend, but underneath he's barely hanging on.

Even though she didn't know him in life, Ashlyn sees Breckon's pain, and she's determined to find a way help him. As her own distressing memories emerge from the darkness, she struggles to communicate with the boy who can't see her, but whose life is suddenly intertwined with hers. In alternating voices of the main characters, My Beating Teenage Heart paints a devastatingly vivid picture of both the heartbreak and the promise of teenage life—a life Ashlyn would do anything to recover and Breckon seems desperate to destroy—and will appeal to fans of Sarah Dessen, John Green, and David Levithan.


Unknown said...

ce simpla e coperta. pare draguta si e interesanta la subiect

Anonymous said...

imi place foarte mult, atat coperta cat si povestea ..faptul ca este o coperta simpla atrage mai mult

Unknown said...

da e draguta, dar nu cine stie ce

Anonymous said...

uneori lucrurile simple au un efect mai mare asupra celui care le priveste , desi vedem aceleasi lucruri le percepem intr-un mod diferit

Unknown said...

da exact sau unii nici nu il vad pana nu il pierd

Anonymous said...

da si asta este o varianta sa nu realizam ce trebuie sa realizam si din proasta noastra intuitie sa pierdem..vom avea timp sa trecem prin toate starile de genul acesta

Unknown said...

so true kris

Anonymous said...

eh mai filozeofez si eu asa uneori cand am starea necesara =))

andra lavander said...

povestea este superba, imi place mult

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