Set in the romantic and death-defying world of the international bestselling Die for Me trilogy, this digital original novella follows Jules, a brooding, immortal French artist who has fallen in love with his best friend’s girlfriend.
Jules Marchenoir is a revenant-an undead being whose fate forces him to sacrifice himself over and over again to save human lives. He’s spent the better part of the last century flirting his way through Paris, but when he met Kate Mercier, the heroine from Amy Plum’s Die for Me trilogy, he knew his afterlife had changed forever and he had found the love of his life. Until Kate fell for his best friend, Vincent. Now Jules is faced with an impossible decision: choosing between his loyal friend and a love truly worth dying for.
Jules Marchenoir is a revenant-an undead being whose fate forces him to sacrifice himself over and over again to save human lives. He’s spent the better part of the last century flirting his way through Paris, but when he met Kate Mercier, the heroine from Amy Plum’s Die for Me trilogy, he knew his afterlife had changed forever and he had found the love of his life. Until Kate fell for his best friend, Vincent. Now Jules is faced with an impossible decision: choosing between his loyal friend and a love truly worth dying for.
Expected publication: April 2nd 2013
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oh, Paris visul meu de-o viata, romantism, plimbarile lungi, cumparaturile. portretele;) totul
imi place foarte mult cartea , coperta, totromantismul care il emana e genial,
doamne sunt divine copertiile. geniale
copertile sunt superbe toate:X
chiar as muri pentru ea cum zice si titlul=))))
par destul de interesante cartile:x,mi-ar place sa o achizioneze o editura de la noi:D
seria asta mi se pare geniala:x ar fi super daca ar aparea si la noi
coperta asta noua imi place cel mai mult
Prima ma asteapta pe tableta pentru a fi citita ^_^
dintre copertile alea de jos,imi place foarte,foarte,mult ultima:X,e prea frumoasa.
lectura placuta mi e imi place cel mai mult coperta de la if i should die
Frumoasa prima coperta vol 2,5.
si imi place mult rochia tipei de pe coperta die for me.
da asa e are buclele alea foarte elegante
domane, cat imi ador iubirile pentru care merita sa mori sau si mai bine care sa dea sens unei vieti
@andra pacat ca in realitate nu prea exista astfel de iubiri..
iubirea fiecare o simte diferit ;)) dar tot nu cred ca e nevoie saucizi pentru ea ,,
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