Friday, January 25, 2013

Butterfly Weeds by Laura Miller

 "Beautifully written and sure to leave a lasting footprint on your heart!" ~Angela McLaurin, The Indie Bookshelf

Julia Lang expected a nice night away from the office–free of thoughts about the case, her failed engagement, her past. But she should have known better. Her past haunted her every chance it got these days, and tonight it came in the form of lyrics she never expected to hear again–not after a decade, not in the arms of another man and definitely not in the form of a confession. Now, Julia must discover for herself if the song–and more importantly, the man behind it–is enough to leave her new life for her small-town, Missouri roots and a second chance at love.


Unknown said...

este interesanta cartea nu am mai auzit de ea

alexa ioana said...

cartea este draguta
coperta este cam ciudata, aici ma refer la faptul ca numele autoarei este scris exact pe capetele pesonajelor:))

Anonymous said...

este o carte superba mi-ar face placere sa o citesc intr-o zi

Unknown said...

mie imi place ca baiatul are o chitara

Anonymous said...

da, baiatul are o iubesc mult sa ascult un baiat cu adevarat talentat...

Unknown said...

si mie imi place sa ascult pe cineva cu un adevarat talent e normal

Anonymous said...

da dar faza e ca mine ma roade invidia pt ca un baiat se pricepe la orice , si invata sa cante dua ureche , iar eu trebuie sa iau ore sa invat ca sa pot atinge un nivel ma refer la chitara

Unknown said...

cum adica baietii se pricep la orice nu e adevarat. unele femei sunt mai pricepute la multe decat baietii

Anonymous said...

chiar si la fotbal? la cantat dupa ureche ? ( ei nu stiu notele dar le simt) ma refeream la chestile acelea nu la munca in bucatarie sau crescut la nasterea lor=))

andra lavander said...

descrierea nu prea spune multe

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