Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bonfire Academy Series by Imogen Rose

 Welcome to Bonfire Academy. Set in the foothills of the alpine mountains in St.Moritz, this exclusive private school caters to a special kind of student. Enter at your own risk... but if you are human, you may not want to enter at all.

This is part one of the prequel series (Bonfire Academy) in the Bonfire Chronicles. Book two, INTEGRATION, will be released summer 2012.

 Expected publication: July 30th 2012

Imi plac la nebunie copertile, mai ales prima.


Unknown said...

Am si eu primul volum cu autograf, dar nu l-am citit; ma asteapta in vacanta. E superba coperta mai ales ca primele pagini au...ceva dragut scris

andra lavander said...

superbe copertile, mi-ar placea sa citesc cartile

Mirela said...

sincer ador copertile....dar despre ce e seria?

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