Saptamana asta a fost plina de stiri despre continuarile seriilor noastre preferata din strainatate :D, iar asta nu e rau deloc. A fost si o perioada in care desi nu am fost foarte activa pe blog, mi-am gasit timp si inspiratie pentru a contacta autorii straini si a-i convinge ca au fani si aici, in Romania. Continuarea preferatei noastre Shadow Reader - o carte care ne-a surprins intr-un mod extrem de placut - se va numi The Shattered Dark. Autoarea, Sandy Williams, desi extrem de ocupata cu cresterea micutilor ei gemeni in varsta de 6 luni ne dezvaluie primul citat din The Shattered Dark. Pentru cei care nu au citit primul volum citatul de mai jos nu contine spoilere dar ar trebui sa va indemne sa cautati Shadow Reader cat mai repede. Sau, si mai frumos ar fi sa o avem in curand in limba romana - francezii o vor avea.

I’ve already locked the door. My back is to the room, but I hear the softest tap, taptaptap, tap behind me. In my rush to get inside, I didn’t even think about the possibility of there being another fae in here.
And it has to be a fae. The tapping is too deliberate to be anything else. I listen for movement – the pad of a footfall, the swish of clothing, or creak of jaedric armor – but the only other sounds come from outside, and while I’m standing here trying to decide what to do, they too, fade away. It’s silent except for the rhythmic tapping.
I stare at the door handle. It’ll take a couple of seconds to unlock it. Some gut instinct tells me not to try it, that it might trigger the person behind me. Slowly, carefully, I turn.
A tall, slender fae woman stands between two backless couches in the center of the room. She’s straight as a board except for her right arm, which is fully extended so she can rest her hand on the hilt of her sword. Its blade is pointed straight down, digging just a little into the surface of a low, wooden table. Aside from one index finger drumming down on the pommel over and over again, she doesn’t move; she just stares.
I stare back, not daring to breath. Pale, wavering bolts of lightning fade in and out on her face and hands. We’re in the Realm. She shouldn’t have any chaos lusters here, but she’s not a normal fae. Even if the lightning wasn’t visible on her skin, I’d know she was tor’um. Something about her feels off.
“Your skin is bright.”
The bluntness of her statement makes me stare down at my arms. White lightning bolts around my left wrist. Another one scurries up to my right elbow. Chaos lusters always appear and disappear quickly, but I guess my skin could be considered bright. I just don’t get why it’s important enough to say out loud, or why it seems to annoy her.
“I told him you wouldn’t turn it off.”
Turn my skin off? I frown at the lightning again, and that’s when I understand. The woman wasn’t born tor’um. Those fae are magically handicapped, but sane. She isn’t. She lost her magic sometime during her adulthood and, now, her mind is broken. Whether that makes her more or less dangerous, I don’t know.
Without warning, she’s in front of me. She grabs my wrist. Her cold touch makes more chaos lusters shoot down my arm. They pool beneath her hand, almost as if they’re trying to keep my skin from turning to ice. I attempt to pull away, but she’s strong, and her dull, dark eyes are locked on me.
“You’re not Paige.”
I go still. Her Fae accent is faint; I’m certain I heard her right. “You know Paige? Where is she?”
“Why aren’t you Paige?” Her hand tightens to the point where it hurts. My back is against the door. I can’t move away when she leans forward, her face coming within inches of mine. Her eyes are narrowed, agitated. “You feel like Paige.”
The tor’um hisses then swings me around with so much momentum, my feet leave the floor. My hip hits the coffee table, sending a sharp lance of pain down my leg, and I slide off the other side.
She’s standing above me with that same mix of anger and confusion in her eyes. My gaze moves to the sword in her hand. Her knuckles go white then back to normal as she tightens and loosens her grip. Then, all the sudden, she looks one hundred percent sane.
She whispers, “Nalkin-shom.”
Eu nu am citit-o, dar din cate ne-ati spus voi si din citate si recenzii pare o carte interesanta. Ca fiecare recenzie care-mi starneste interesul, sper ca aceasta sa fie publicata si la noi, desi sperantele sunt cam mari se pare.
Pentru cine stie despre publicarea unei carti: cand se publica o carte, autoarea decide sa o publice in mai multe tari sau nu? Aduca stiu ca in Romania(din cate am inteles)ei contacteaza cartile care se vand in cantitati mari, dar se poate ca autorul sa decida sa le publice in mai multe tari?
Autorul inca de la publicare isi doreste cartea in cat mai multe tari. Asta e visul lor cel mai mare. Editurile din tarile respective trebuie sa contacteze autorul sau editura principala pentru a publica acea carte si in tarile lor. Rareori gasesti un autor care sa nu-si doreasca traducerea cartii lui.
Yayx, o sa ma apuc si eu curand de ea si revin cu pareri!:D
Ok. Am inteles. Eram nedumerita rau in legatura cu publicarea lor.
mmm...sincer nu am citit nici un volum din seriile de mai sus ....asa ca nu prea inteleg
Acum imi pare rau ca m-am ocupat de altele ( am citit continuarile la seriile care le am deja) si nu m-am apucat de asta, dar o voi face cat mai repede :x
Nu am avut sansa sa citesc ceva din aceasta serie , dar pe parcurs poate o voi face.
Frumos.Poate va aparea si la noi
Frumos din partea autoarei sa impartaseasca putin din carte :D Am citit selectia si suna interesant. Scrie bine autoarea la o prima vedere. Imi place si coperta :D
Eu ador coperta!!!!
Poate apare si la noi in Romania, cine stie? Oricum, titlul celui de-al doilea volum este foarte frumos, iar citatul este chiar interesant.
P.S: M-am apucat sa o citesc! apara si la noi!!...chiar vreau sa o citesc:D
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