Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Sookie Stackhouse Series Ending With Book 13?

Author Charlaine Harris says in an interview that the thirteenth book in the Sookie Stackhouse series will probably be it's last. She's already finished book 11, Dead Reckoning, which was just released today. The next two books after that will likely end the series. She tells:

Charlaine Harris: "I don’t like to keep series going after they’ve lost their spark. I think that’s a disservice to the characters and to the readers. So, I think, possibly, the three books after the tenth book will be the last books in the series. So we’ll see how I feel after I’ve written two of those."

The question is whom will Sookie end up with? I’ve noticed in Harris’ other series (Lily Bard, Aurora Teagarden, Harper Connelly) that she usually writes a marriage and/or pregnancy into the last book. So will the series end with Sookie getting married? Or will she decide she’s better off alone? Personally I'm Eric's fan, so I hope she'll stay with him as long as possible. Let me know what you want to see in the final Sookie novel!


Anonymous said...

DA..am sa fiu foarte trista cand am sa termin ultima carte din serie
imi place cum scrie charlaine harris...simplu,la obiect,nu se pierde in detalii...nu te plictiseste
singura problema pe care o am.....cand citesti o carte scrisa din punctul de vedere al personajului principal tinzi sa te identifici cu el/ea si e minunat.Din nefericire cu sookie nu mi s-a intamplat asta.Ba chiar a avut momente in care m-a enervat.

Christyna_BM said...

da, si pe mine pentru ca pare superficiala. Asta e caracterul ei, nu ca nu s-ar implica, dar asa lasa impresia.

Andreea said...

O serie pe care am inceput si eu sa o ador datorita celor de la Bravo:X

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