Tuesday, May 3, 2011

REVIEW: First Grave on the Right by Darynda Jones

MY THAUGHTS: First Grave on the Right is perfect for readers who like Chick lit and Paranormal Romance. Add a mystery solving to the other two and this was the perfect book for me. I read it in a single day (well…I’m a fast reader) and didn’t get bored at all! It’s a fast paced, funny and engaging story.
P.I. Charley Davidson is a grim reaper. Dead people are drawn to her, because she is very shiny. Actually she is The Light, the portal through which the souls must pass to reach Heaven and in addition to that, she must also help them solve their unfinished business…like catching their killers.” It does help when the victim can point you to the murderer.”
Charley is a strong, sarcastic girl,(what can you say about a person who names her car Misery?) who always knows what needs to be done, not caring about what other people have to say about her acts.. oh!  and she gets into trouble a lot because of that. Her uncle is a detective who has an unusually high rate of solved cases thanks to Charley and her unusual abilities. But lately she’s having these strange dreams about a Hot mmm…Entity who doesn’t seem to be a dead guy after all.
First Grave on the Right is a must-read, add it to your book list and you won’t regret.


Deea said...

Yay, I'm so glad you liked this book too, it's one of my favorite read this year so far!<3 You should also try the audiobook, it's aweome! And OMG! Reyes! SO HOT!
P.S. Deci te-ai decis sa scrii in engleza? Nice!:D

Andreea said...

Lucrul care mi-a atras atentia la aceasta carte este coperta mai intai de toate.Foarte interesanta

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