Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Cover Reveal for Memories of Ash (The Sunbolt Chronicles #2) by Intisar Khanani + Giveaway!

Genre: YA Fantasy
Release Date: May 30th 2016

In the year since she cast her sunbolt, Hitomi has recovered only a handful of memories. But the truths of the past have a tendency to come calling, and an isolated mountain fastness can offer only so much shelter. When the High Council of Mages summons Brigit Stormwind to stand trial for treason, Hitomi knows her mentor won’t return—not with Arch Mage Blackflame behind the charges.

Armed only with her magic and her wits, Hitomi vows to free her mentor from unjust imprisonment. She must traverse spell-cursed lands and barren deserts, facing powerful ancient enchantments and navigating bitter enmities, as she races to reach the High Council. There, she reunites with old friends, planning a rescue equal parts magic and trickery.

If she succeeds, Hitomi will be hunted the rest of her life. If she fails, she’ll face the ultimate punishment: enslavement to the High Council, her magic slowly drained until she dies.

Pre-Order Links ($0.99 Special):

Book One 

Sunbolt Buy Links ($1.99 Special):

Intisar Khanani grew up a nomad and world traveler. Born in Wisconsin, she has lived in five different states as well as in Jeddah on the coast of the Red Sea. She first remembers seeing snow on a wintry street in Zurich, Switzerland, and vaguely recollects having breakfast with the orangutans at the Singapore Zoo when she was five. She currently resides in Cincinnati, Ohio, with her husband and two young daughters. Until recently, Intisar wrote grants and developed projects to address community health with the Cincinnati Health Department, which was as close as she could get to saving the world. Now she focuses her time on her two passions: raising her family and writing fantasy. Intisar's next two projects include a companion trilogy to Thorn, following the heroine introduced in her short story The Bone Knife, and The Sunbolt Chronicles, a novella serial following a young mage with a propensity to play hero, and her nemesis, a dark mage intent on taking over the Eleven Kingdoms.

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ioana alexandra said...

omg, deci copertile astea sunt absolut magice <3 e prima oara cand aud de aceasta serie, am sa caut mai multe informatii, pare destul de interesanta

Unknown said...

Omg! Mi-ar placea atat de mult ca absolut toate cartile din lume sa se traduca si la noi. Sau, ma rog, macar cele care intr-adevar merita. Cu siguranta sunt o gramada!

alexa ioana said...

e bine ca multe dintre ele le putem comanda si online, la preturi acceptabile, sau de la targuri de carte. ma refer la cartile in engleza. dar recunosc ca nici eu nu ajung sa cumpar in engleza, sunt atat de multe publicate in romana pe care mi le doresc..

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