Thursday, February 4, 2016

Recenzie! Oblivion: A Lux Novel de Jennifer L. Armentrout

Experience the epic love story of OBSIDIAN as told by its hero, Daemon Black…

I knew the moment Katy Swartz moved in next door, there was going to be trouble. Lots of it. 

And trouble’s the last thing I need, since I’m not exactly from around here. My people arrived on Earth from Lux, a planet thirteen billion light years away. Plus, if there’s one thing I know, it’s that humans can’t be trusted. We scare them. We can do things they only dream about, and honestly, we make them look weak as hell. ‘Cuz they are. 

But Kat is getting to me in ways no one else has, and I can't stop myself from wanting her—or wanting to use my powers to protect her. She makes me weak, and I’m the strongest of our kind, tasked with protecting us all. So this one simple girl…she can mean the end for us. Because the Luxen have an even bigger enemy—the Arum, and I need to stay on my game. 

Falling for Katy—a human—won't just place her in danger. It could get us all killed, and that’s one thing I’ll never let happen...

In primul rand, multumesc librariei online Book Express pentru aceasta carte. Pe site-ul lor puteti gasi o gama variata de titluri in engleza.

Parerea mea:

Dragele noastre, Damon Black s-a intors! Ce dor ne-a fost de el!

Am fost extraordinar de incantata cand am aflat ca autoarea mea preferata (una dintre ele), Jennifer L. Armentrout, planuieste sa mai adauge un volum seriei LUX. Apoi am aflat ca, de fapt, Oblivion nu este o continuare, ci o repovestire a evenimentelor principale din primele trei carti, din perspectiva lui Daemon. Posibil sa fi fost putin dezamagita. Dar numai putin, pentru ca Daemon este unul dintre cele mai amuzanti eroi si nimic din ce poate contine referinte la el nu trebuie ratat.

“I’ve always found that the most beautiful people, truly beautiful inside and out, are the ones who are quietly unaware of their effect. The ones who throw their beauty around, waste what they have? Their beauty is only passing. It’s just a shell hiding nothing but shadows and emptiness.”

Spre placuta mea surpriza, cartea are multe scene noi, cum de altfel era si normal. Ar fi trebuit sa retin ca, in primele trei volume, Daemon nu era in permanenta cu Katy, deci mai facea si alte lucruri, pe langa activitatea principala, de a-si chinui vecina de alaturi.

Din aceste scene reusim sa aflam mai multe despre personalitatea si modul de gandire al lui Damon. Daca atunci cand am citit primele carti imi puneam sute de intrebari, pentru ca pur si simplu erau momente in care nu imi dadeam seama de ce se comporta asa, in Oblivion am gasit raspuns la toate.

“I brushed the curtain aside, scowling. Hadn't even spoken to the girl and I felt like a stalker staring out the window, waiting once more...waiting for what? To catch a glimpse of her? Or to better prepare myself for the inevitable meeting? 
If Dee saw me now, she'd be on the floor laughing. 
And if Ash saw me right now, she'd scratch out my eyes and blast my new neighbor into outer space.”

In primul rand aflam de ce incerca sa o tina pe Katy departe de Dee. Apoi descoperim de unde tot scoate acele replici pe care le adoram cu totii (e vorba doar de gura lui mare care o ia mereu inainte, dar mai bine va prefaceti ca nu v-am spus asta), cunoastem mai multi Luxeni din colonie si, poate cel mai important, vedem motivul pentru care pur si simplu nu poate sa stea departe de Katy.

Pe langa scenele cu Dee, fratii Thompson, si Katy, pe care ni le amintim din primele carti, avem si scene noi cu cei doi, unele care va vor face sa ii iubiti si mai mult.

“I think you need to look in the mirror if you think that's gorgeous"
"Ha," Andrew said, grinning.
"We"re identical." Adam shook his head at his twin. "He's insulting both of us, you idiot”

Daca sunteti fani ai seriei Lux, Oblivion este cu siguranta cartea pe care nu trebuie sa o ratati. E vorba, pana la urma, de Daemon Black, asa ca dati fuga la librarie si puneti mana pe ea!

Lectura placuta!

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

Wow! Wow! Nu stiam ca exista si cartea din perspectiva lui Daemon. Cu siguranta, lucrurile sunt mult mai incitante vazute prin ochii lui. Chiar sunt curioasa si sper ca in viitor sa se traduca si in limba romana.

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