Tuesday, December 3, 2013

2013 Debut Author Giveaway Hop!


So many fantastic new authors this year! For this hop you can choose any book you want up to 15$ written by a 2013 debut author. you can find a list HERE. Or you can request any book that's not on the list as long as you give me proof that its author debuted this year. This contest is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to you for free.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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Anonymous said...

I read The Collector by Victoria Scott. I really liked it too. Now I need to own it so I can read it again. Thank you for participating in the giveaway.

Xia said...

I read The Cadet of Tildor by Alex Lidell and loved it!

Unknown said...

I've read Nobody But Us and i love how beautifully well written it is. Thank you for the giveaway!

Diamond said...

I loved The Madman's Daughter and The Distance Between Us! So many great debut authors this year :)

Jewel said...

Yes & my favorite book was Real by Katy Evans. Merry Xmas :)

Eli Yanti said...

yes, ag howard, katy evans

_Sandra_ said...

Actually, I've read quite a few books written by debut authors this year. I'll mention Reboot by Amy Tintera, Pivot Point by Kasie West, Altered by Jennifer Rush, All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill, If You Find Me by Emily Murdoch, The Collector by Victoria Scott, Coda by Emma Trevayne.. Amazing books!
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

miki said...

Not that i can think of one ( but being international it's rare i have recent release so often i discover an author way after her/his first book) i really would love to read the collector though!
thank you for this giveaway!

Mystica said...

I read two books which were debut novels - both wins from Goodreads. The Almond Tree and Just One Damned Thing After Another. Both were excellent reads in two very very different genres.

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

I think I read quite a few debut novels. My favorite is probably Blood Vine by Amber Belldene.
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence said...

I read These Broken Stars and it was brilliant! thanks for the giveaway.

nurmawati djuhawan said...

yes, i read MILA 2.0 and i like it :)
thx u...

Beth said...

I have read quite a few debut authors. My fave has been Dear Mr. Knightley by Katherine Reay

Unknown said...

Just One Day. Allegiant.The Distance between Us. All Our Yesterdays.

Jo's Daughter said...

No, not yet but I would love to change that :)

Leituras & Fofuras said...

Not yet but I would love to change that :)

Unknown said...

I'm reading These Broken Stars right now!

makix3 said...

I've read All Our Yesterdays by Cristin Terrill and can't wait for the sequel!!! :]
Thanks so much for the giveaway!
Marijana Sitar

Preet said...

Quite a few, even though I didn't know it at the time. I read and loved both of Kasie West's books and had no idea these were her first books! They were amazing!

Unknown said...

Yes, I read Reboot by Amy Tintera! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Cindi said...

Only the Collector which was an excellent book!!!

Lis said...

I read Splintered and The distance between us. They both were great!

Unknown said...

know have read several debut authors this year, I simply haven't paid attention. That shameful, I know. I did read Angela McCallister (Love her work); and the Almond Tree. I'm sure there were many, many others since I read tons of indie authors. michelle_willms@yahoo.com

Unknown said...

I read the almond tree is was unusually good read.
I would like to read the Chantress (Chantress, #1)

SarahS. said...

I read Chantress and Splintered

BookHounds said...

Thanks so much for participating! Splintered was my favorite this year.

Sayomay said...

I dont think I have yet :(

Perava said...

I can't say that I have!

Kaylee said...

I've read The Madman's Daughter which was amazing. I reeeally really want to read These Broken Stars

RIN said...

Yes! My favorites were probably The Madman's Daughter and Some Quiet Place


Jan H said...

I have not read any yet. I hope this giveaway will help me do just that

Emily @ Falling For YA said...

I participated in the Debut Author Challenge and read over 15 debuts! There were a ton of amazing books that came out this year =D

Unknown said...

How exciting! So many books to choose from.

Unknown said...

I have yet to read some debut book!

Amie said...

Yes, I've read quite a lot: Between The devil and The Deep Blue Sea, Pivot Point, School of Good and Evil, How My Summer Went Up In Flames, Wild Awake, Nantucket Blue and many more =)

Bookish girl said...

I have read Splintered and I loved it! I'm dying to read the next one!
Oh, and I have Mila 2.0 in my TBR list :)

Ashfa said...

I loved Dualed by Elsie Chapman.

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

I did! I enjoyed reading The Distance Between Us by Kasie West. Thanks for the giveaway!

-Riz B.

Unknown said...

I haven't yet, but i'll probably read some this Christmas break :-)

Unknown said...

I haven't yet, but i'll probably read some this Christmas break :-)

Unknown said...

I havent yet but i plan to read all the ones listed.

books4me said...

I have read many new debut authors this year...I just love to read!


Unknown said...

Yes I did, the best one was Tangled by Emma Chase :)

Anonymous said...

I haven't read any this year. I plan on reading some during Christmas Break though.


Ashley E said...

Yes! One of my favorites was The Ritual by Erica Dakin.

Lisa Mandina said...

I've read Splintered, and loved it!

Unknown said...

not yet I think :'(

Unknown said...

I think Splintered was a debut of this book! It was really good!

AshleighSwerdfeger said...

I haven't read any yet this year, but I really want to~

Unknown said...

surprisingly i haven't read any of those yet @_@

Nara said...

I've read quite a few! My favourite is probably Pivot Point by Kasie West :)

Farhana Reads said...

I haven't. But would like to :D

Isa said...

I haven't read many new releases this year much less debut authors. I'd love to read Splintered though. Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day! :)

GR said...

no i havent :(

mk said...

I read The Corrector, Stir Me Up (by Sabrina Elkins) , Real (by Katy Evans) and a few more. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

Yes. The Distance Between Us by Kasie West and Reboot. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

KAS said...

I've read several examples of debut fiction this year, and I've generally been incredibly impressed. I've heard of several examples that were universally acclaimed (more or less) that I'd love to read soon!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I've read some.
One of them is The Namesake by Steven Parlato.

Unknown said...

I've read The Distance Between Us and Pivot Point by Kasie West.

Unknown said...

I read Mermother: An Account of What Happened in the Sea by Elizabeth Wolfe. Awesome book.

Dovile said...

I really enjoyed The Rig by Joe Ducie.

Unknown said...

I enjoyed Splintered by A.G. Howard. It was a great spin off of the classic tale. Love it!

Anonymous said...

I haven't. But I'd love to :)

Bube said...

Yes :)
Katy Evans - Real,Six Months Later - Natalie D. Richards - fantastic reads! :)

bn100 said...

Don't think so

Lupu Diana said...

Not yet, but I'd love to. :)

Chantelle said...

I loved Splintered and Pivot Point

Unknown said...

yes, jc reed - surrender your love, katy evans - real, and books by kristen proby
thank you for the chance :)

Dinky said...

I read only Victoria Scott´s The Collector, but I really liked it! :)

Chenise Jones said...

Pivot Point by Kasie West was definitely my favourite debut I read this year!

Unknown said...

Yes :) I read In The After

Unknown said...

I dont think i have.. I do own a few but havent gotten around to reading them,yet..

Unknown said...

Yes! Several, actually. Tina Torrest's Remember When Series is my favorite though. :)

Rebecca said...

I did read debuts this year but not many unfortunately. Pivot Point was my favourite!

Unknown said...

I've read a few, but Altered by Jennifer Rush was my favourite.

Jaime Lester said...

I have read a few. Splintered is one of my favorites!!

Debora B said...

I have Splintered and Mila 2.0 but haven't read them yet :)

Suz Reads said...

Not yet but so many are on my TBR list! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

Leeanna said...

Yep. I saw someone else mention The Cadet of Tildor.

Daniel M said...

not sure, didn't have much time to read this year, don't remember if any of the few were debut - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Unknown said...

Yes I did! I read a bunch and one was Kasie West! Thanks!

Meghan said...

Yes! I read Altered by Jennifer Rush and The Collector by Victoria Scott!
Thanks for the giveaway!

Universe of YA Books said...

I've read a bunch! A few that I can think of are Eleanor & Park, Splintered, Mila 2.0., and Reboot. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Farah said...

NO!& I'm so sad that I didn't get to read even at least one. My time is too preoccupied with school & sequels :/

Kamla L. said...

I haven't read any books by debut authors this year as yet. But I still have a couple weeks to go and quite a few are on my fiending wishlist. So, there's still time for me to remedy that. :)

Jolene and Family said...

I read The Collector and really enjoyed it!

Danielle Schneider said...

I read Jet my Jay Crownover.

Lisamarie said...

I haven't yet... I have Splintered waiting patiently while I finish my current book.

Steph said...

I've read quite a few - so many that I can't remember them all! I really loved Splintered by A.G. Howard, When the World Was Flat (And We Were in Love) by Ingrid Jonach, The Collector and The Liberator by Victoria Scott, and Mila 2.0 by Debra Driza - to name a few! Thanks for the awesome giveaway!!

Clever Girl said...

Yep. AG Howard, Kasie West, Victoria Scott. Thanks for the giveaway!

Linda Kish said...

None that I can think of right now.

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