Monday, November 11, 2013

Staying Warm or Keeping Cold Giveaway Hop!


This hop is about choosing a book you'd want to read sitting by the fire on a cold winter day, or sitting in an air conditioned room for those who are lucky and live in the south.  I live in Romania and the weather is still warm enough so you can stay out in a T-shirt with a leather jacket, but it will get incredibly cold soon.

I'm giving away a book up to the value of 13$ from The Book Depository! Just fill in the Raffle below!


Unknown said...

I am a summer person :)

fhms97 said...

Definitely a summer person! :D

Chenise Jones said...

Definitely a summer person! Hate the cold so much!

Bube said...

Summer person :)

Unknown said...

Winter - but winter in Florida, so I'm not sure it counts to the rest of the world!

Smart Person said...

I think I'm a summer person, just because I can deal with the heat so much better than the cold.

Unknown said...

Im a summer person.. Thank you for the giveaway! ^_^

Mystica said...

I like the cool!

Lisa Mandina said...

Well, I really like fall best, but overall I'd say summer, because I'm a teacher, and that is my time off!

Jewel said...

I am definitely a winter person. I prefer the cold to the heat.

Francis Casabuena said...

Summer. I really like winter but it's impossible. Thanks for the giveaway!

Kathryn T said...

I am both. Love to curl up by the fire in winter and read. Curl up in the sun in the summer and read.

Unknown said...

I like all the seasons. I love being in the sun, especially when we have a pool or when I can be near the water. I love the cold when I can hide under my blanket and snuggle with my little dogs with a cup of hot tea or cocoa and read all day long. So I can be both. If it's too hot in the summer for me to be outside, I'm inside where it's cool, under a blanket, with my doggies, a glass of something cold, a good book and I'm happy. Thanks for the giveaway. michelle_willms(at)yahoo(d0t)com

nurmawati djuhawan said...

winter :)

Silvia said...

I'm actually a spring person... I like summer, but not when it's too hot, and I enjoy winter when there's enough snow, though I don't like the cold.

Unknown said...

Definitely, Winter! I love cuddling up and reading a book:) I also adore the rain and snow..
Thanks for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I'm a summer person though every time it's too hot I just wish it was winter again!

miki said...

Summer person ^^ i have difficulties with the cold and i enjoy fresh fruits so definitively summer

Nara said...

Definitely a summer person. I don't really like the cold!

Unknown said...

I'm a summer person. :)
I love the beach. I love just reading by the shoe with a glass or 2 of cold drinks. ;)

Alexandra said...

I am a definitely a summer person! Thanks for the giveaway! :)

taletrader said...

I'm a winter person. I just love cozying up under the blankets and writing with some kind of hot beverage by my side.

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

Winter. I dislike the heat

Ruthsic said...

A winter person; the summers here are terrible.

Anonymous said...

Winter all the way. It never gets really cold here (I live in the Southern US) and it sucks. I haven't seen snow since I was probably 6 years old. So about 25 years! Thank you for the giveaway.

Cali W. said...

Summer. <3 Thanks for the giveaway.

Jillyn said...

I'm a winter person. I hate the heat and LOVE snow!

Wayne Lecoy said...

I am entering your
Staying Warm
or Keeping Cold giveaway.
In response to your question of
Are you a winter or a summer person?
I like summer.
Thank you for having this giveaway!

E.E. said...

I'm a summer girl, no doubt about it.

Unknown said...

Definitely winter, summer is too hot!
Thanks for the giveaway!

meryvamp said...

Summer! Thanks for the giveaway!

jmcgaugh said...

I'm not really either, because I hate to be hot or cold! Overall, I'd say winter over summer, though, because I can always bundle up.

salena said...

I live in NC so it gets pretty cold here but, I love Summer! Thanks for the chance to win this great giveaway! Happy Reading! :)

Unknown said...

I'm a winter person. I just lovee winter!!

Sayomay said...

More of a Fall person so I guess winter to an extent.
Mary G loki

Ashfa said...

summer person!

Filia Oktarina said...

Winter person, i hate hot.

GR said...


Giedre said...

I'm a winter person.

Unknown said...

Definitely winter, I love snow <3

Meg S said...

I'm summer and winter - I love the change of seasons!

Anonymous said...

I am more fall and spring type of girl

oriana said...

iprefer winter!

Kamla L. said...

I'm definitely more of a summer person. When the temperature starts dropping below 60 degrees it's already getting too cold for me.

Ashley E said...

Neither. :P I like fall and spring best, but if forced to choose, I would have to say... summer. But probably only because it's winter now!

Unknown said...

I would say summer person but actually I love the fall.

Celeste said...

I am a winter person :)

Enbrethiliel said...


If summer and winter are my only two choices, then I pick summer, but I really prefer fall. =) Cheers!

Krista said...

I am a warm weather kind of girl. Thanks for the giveaway!

Perava said...

I'm a summer person!

Ann said...

Summer person ^^

RIN said...

I'm both! I love both winter and summer (and am not a fan of either spring or fall). I usually say that winter is my favorite season, but I do get a bit sick of ti after 6 months of snow.


cyn209 said...

i'm really neither, but if i have to choose, i'm a summer person, as i love wearing shorts & tshirts!!!!

andie said...
Definitely SUMMER.

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

A Summer Person! :D
Thanks for the giveaway!
-Riz B.

Mimi Smith said...

Spring person, more like! But if I had to pick-Summer :)


Bookishqueen said...

Summer is the one I prefer,


JanD said...

I'm a summer person.
bituin76 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

I am a winter person all the way!

Unknown said...

Sadly, we do not experience winter here in the Philippines. So, I'm a summer person. :) Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

Unknown said...

Winter Person :D

sshah605 said...

I am definitely a Winter person!!

Kristia said...

I'm a winter person :) Thank you for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

I'd say I'm more of a summer person, because I like to sleep with the bedroom window open, getting fresh air in :) but really, they both have good qualities! I hate being too hot but I hate being cold too! :)

Irene Jackson said...

Definitely summer, I hate to be cold!

Isa said...

I'm definitely a summer person. I've never experience winter but I love the warm and sunny days. Thank you for the giveaway, enjoy your day! :)

Sue Sattler said...

I love the summer time, except for the bugs. I don't mind winter, the snow is so pretty, but I hate going out in it. :D

susan1215 said...

I'm a Summer person.

Diamond said...

I'm actually a fall person but if I have to pick one I'd say winter! Maybe it's bc I live in Southern California so the winters are just perfect weather at 60 degrees or so :)

Ada said...

Most definitely a winter person, I can't really stand all the bugs in the summer! LOL

Anita H. said...

I'm a winter person since I live in a city that has a lot of snow in the winter.

Unknown said...

I really love both summer and winter.

In summer you can go swimming at the beach or at a lake. You can host barbecues and go on picnics. You can shoot off fireworks on the fourth of July! You can do a lot of fun things! You also have a lot of fresh produce that you can buy at local farms!

In winter you have more opportunity to relax while watching the snow fall and drinking hot chocolate or apple cider. You can sit beside the fire or on the couch under a throw reading a good book. Plus you have christmas and new years, and for me my birthday, which is 5 days after christmas. Its always so peaceful to see how beautiful the snow is on the ground, at least it is where I live because I live in the mountains and it really creates such a beautiful scene to see the snow capped mountains! Its also fun to build snowmen and sled down hills.

I can't say that I like when it get extremely cold or hot but their are upsides and downsides to both seasons!

Unknown said...

Winter! but that's because i love the holidays and snow!

Unknown said...

I used to hate Summer but I like it over the Winter

Unknown said...

I love snow and Christmas, but overall I prefer summer and warm weather, plus my birthday is in the summer!

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

Fall and winter are my favorites.

BookLady said...

Love the summer! Thanks for the great giveaway.

Unknown said...

I'm a summer person :-)

Natasha Areena said...


roro said...

I live in the tropics that would make a ""summer "" person but I fantasize about winter haha

Anonymous said...

Definitely a Summer person! :)

Dovile said...

Definitely a summer person, and a pity that summers over here are so short.

Andreea said...

Definitely a summer person!

Anubha said...

I like both :)I like moderate summer and winter temperatures

Gaby Metivier said...

I'm definitely a winter girl! :D Thank you!

Munnaza said...

Thanks so much for this giveaway! Though I love summer for pools and because it's summer vacation, I'm most of a winter girl. I love winter layers, and winter foods, and winter warm drinks, and all the snow. I do better in the cold than I do in the warm too.

Anonymous said...

Definitely summer - I hate the cold!
Thank you for joining the hop!!
Bonnie Hilligoss
bonnie at bonnieanddave dot com

Janhvi said...

I am a winter person.

LAWonder said...

I am neither/both. I do not like blizzards but enjoy various aspects of cold weather. I do not like intense heat and mucky humidity but I enjoy swimming at the beach, picnics, barbecues, camping, etc.

Unknown said...

I'm definitely a summer person but I love the holidays too!

magic5905 said...

I'm a winter person. Thanks.

Seyma Bennett Shabbir said...

I prefer summer, I need warm!

Unknown said...


Danielle Schneider said...

Winter. Summer in Florida is torturous.

Anonymous said...

Summer person :)

jessie2247 said...

I prefer the warmer weather of the summer but love all the snow in the winter

Stacy said...

I live in FL, so I am definitely NOT a winter person! Our winters are mild, I could not handle the snow!

Unknown said...

Not a winter person ,, but live in NY .. go

Jolene and Family said...

Neither! I am more spring and fall :)

Michelle said...

I'm a summer person! I live in Canada & as of right now, it is getting quite cold. I love when it is snowing but walking in the snow and bundling up is not fun.

_Sandra_ said...

Definitely summer person! :) I hate cold and rain and snow.
Thanks for a giveaway!

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