Friday, November 29, 2013

Book Blitz! Excerpt and Giveaway Submerged by Nicole Sobon!

Submerged (Outbreak #1)
Release Date: 02/14/13

After a mysterious virus makes its way into the United States, the government demands that states seal themselves off from one another and do their best to protect their surviving residents. When the state of Florida is bordered off from the surrounding states, Taylen Fincher, a seventeen-year-old girl with a yearning for her former life finds herself wondering how much of what they’ve been told is true.

When Troum took control of the state, he told the residents that the other states had fallen to the virus and that he wouldn’t allow the same thing to happen to them. But Taylen doesn’t believe it. She insists that there is still life outside of the state, and she is going to do whatever it takes to prove it… but her actions will cost her more than she ever expected.

Troum kidnaps Taylen’s sister, Penelope, in hopes of coaxing her into behaving – into being a submissive resident, much like the others. But Taylen isn’t one to give in that easily.

Eager to rescue her sister, Taylen will set out on an adventure that’ll force her to open her heart to the unexpected and to uncover secrets that will change everything.

SUBMERGED is the first book in a YA dystopian duology.

Available from: (only $.99!)
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Nicole Sobon is the author of the Emile Reed Chronicles, Capture, No Place Like Home, and various short stories.

Author Links:

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Excerpt #1:

Tears began to pool at the corners of my eyes. It took everything I had to retain my composure. I wasn’t going to break down. I couldn’t. I dropped my gaze to the floor, refusing to acknowledge Troum.

But he wasn’t having it. “What’s the matter, dear? Are you ashamed of your actions?”

Was I ashamed of my actions? Yes. In the beginning, I never thought things would end up like this. All I wanted was to remember what life was like before – to try to reclaim part of what had been taken from me. I never meant for anyone to get hurt, especially not Penelope.

The problem was that I underestimated Troum early on.

He put on a friendly front to the Sectors, doing everything that he could to force their loyalty, but underneath all of that, there was a man desperate for control – more control than he already had. And we were a state full of people in need of stability.

It was a match made in Hell.

He became our stability, and we became his own personal army.

Excerpt #3:

“Milo, can I ask you something?” I asked, lifting my hand to my lip.

“Not here.” He looked back at Penelope and signaled for me to follow him outside. “Come on.”

I followed Milo out of the Hovercopter, nearly running into him when he stopped suddenly at the end of the walkway. “If you’re wondering if I knew, I didn’t,” he paused, lowering himself onto the ground, “My parents were faithful followers, unwilling to believe things could only get worse after the Outbreak. Though I can’t say much, after all, I was just as naive as they were.”

You weren’t the only one, I thought.

“I had a twin sister,” he said after a moment of silence.

“What happened to her?”

“She died.” He lowered his head as if not sure he wanted to discuss it, but he continued, “Our parents insisted that we join the guard on our seventeenth birthday. She did her best to follow Troum, but over time, she began to grow tired of fighting for a system that clearly didn’t care for its people. She’d spent most of her time serving the Widowed Sector, where she met a boy her age.”

“They fell in love,” I said, knowing exactly where this story was headed.

“I don't think that it was love. I’d say it was longing more than anything,” he corrected. “She knew what would happen if she began a relationship with a resident, especially one from the Widowed Sector, but she didn’t care.”

“What was her name?” I took a seat next to Milo, resting my head in my hand.

“Miranda,” he said, smiling. “She was a lot like you, you know.”

“I’m not entirely sure that is a good thing.”

“It is.” Milo reached for my hand.

2 signed copies of Submerged in paperback plus swag (Program 13 and Deprogrammed bookmarks) (INT)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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