Monday, October 14, 2013



This is one of my favorite hops of the year, so I'm happy to be part of it again! You can win a spooky book of your choice up to 15$. This giveaway is INTERNATIONAL as long as The Book Depository ships to your country for free. And if it's really hard for you to decide (it would be for me), check out the suggestions below.


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Kaya said...

I'm not sure yet, but at the very top is beautiful creatures

Lia Oxanne said...

Haven't decided yet. I do have a long list of Doctor Who novels but I don't know if I'll finish reading The girl with the dragon tattoo by then

Carmen B. said...

Hm... maybe I'll finally do that re-read of The Demon's Lexicon, but I might also read a few stories fom my Poe collection :)
Thanks for the giveaway! So many books on that list that I've wanted for a long time...

fhms97 said...

I plan to read Throne of Glass by Sarah J Maas! I still need Crown of Midnight though! :)

bufnita pufoasa said...

Iced by Karen Marie Moning

Diana_Dimovska said...

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King. Thanks! :)

Stephanie @ Bookfever said...

Well, at the moment I'm reading a witchy book and I plan to read the second one right away too so maybe it'll be a witchy halloween for me. :)

Thanks for the giveaway!

Maria Malaveci said...

Maybe Madeline Abducted.

Unknown said...

The Devouring by Simon Holt :)

Anonymous said...

Shadow of Night by Deborah Harkness, or The Bone Season by Samantha Shannon

Blacky said...

The Gravedigger's Brawl by Abigail Roux :)))

Chenise Jones said...

Definitely Monsters by Ilsa J. Bick!

Bube said...

I do not know, I'll think whice book I will read :D
Thanks for the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

Everyone of those books you have up above. That is an incredible selection. Thank you SO much!

taletrader said...

Probably Doctor Sleep by Stephen King.

Cali W. said...

Thanks for the giveaway! I will probably read Origin by Jennifer Armentrout. <3
-Cali W.

Alisa said...

I'll probably read the second book of the Daughter of Smoke and Bone series or the second to The Throne of Glass. I think I've already read all the books here, but they're so good!

Unknown said...

I'm saving Dark Inside for this Halloween. :)

Lesley D said...

I'm going to read Joseph Delaney's Last Apprentice series - very creepy! Thanks for the giveaway!

Xia said...

I'm planning to read The Burning Sky. I just got it today. :)
Thanks for the giveaway.

Emi said...

I have another book from the author of Through the Zombie Glass on order through the library. I cannot remember the title but the book is similar.

Clarissa (Bookadicea) said...

I'm planning to read Thief by Tarryn Fisher, Breathe Trilogy by Rebecca Donovan and the sequels of The Demon King. ;)

Unknown said...

Im planning to read The Death and the Girl He Loves by Darynda Jones! Thank you for the giveaway!

wanderherz said...

Throne of Glass Series :)
Thanks for the great giveaway!

Unknown said...

I'll be reading Anna Dressed in Blood!

Book Bunny said...

I have already started reading Pet Sematary by Stephen King :) Thank you for the giveaway!

SandyG265 said...

I don't know.

jessie2247 said...

I'll probably end up reading Doctor Sleep by Stephen King

Susú said...

Probably The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer :)
Thanks for the giveaway!

SarahS. said...

The Bone Season, thank you for the giveaway! (=

Unknown said...

Soul Screamers. Thanks!

Unknown said...

I hope to reread The Madman's Daughter. Thanks for the giveaway!

Bewitched reader said...

I plan on reading the Downside Ghost Series. If my order comes in on time. I've never heard of this series before and I actually just found it the other day. It sounds so good!! And there are some GREAT reviews on it.

Unknown said...

Not sure yet. Probably something from my TBR list.

Unknown said...

Oh wow, my tbr is so big I don't even know :)) Haha but I'm plan to finally starting on The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer and Rot & Ruin :D

smiles said...

I'm hoping for Danielle Bourdon's Mattias to be released by then!

Jennifer said...

I have no clue. I'll probably grab something off of the massive TBR pile.

DANIELA said...

I'm currently reading a few, Divergent, Catching Fire and Origin... I might still be reading one of them. :)

Think said...

Maybe Fuse by Julianna Baggott or I might still be reading The Iron Traitor or The Chaos of Stars.

Kat said...

I don't have plans to read anything special this Halloween. I'd like to get Ender's Game read since the movie comes out the next day though!
Thanks for the giveaway! :)

Telecomica said...

I have to finish reading 'A song of ice and fire' and I want to reread Ender's Game before watching the movie.

andra lavander said...

something about roght or law for shore, in november I have some test papers and I want to be prepared

aparajita said...

Read book 2 & 3 of the Soul Screamers series

Francis Casabuena said...

I have no idea. I* don't have a creepy book on my shelf, Maybe I'll go read Immortal Beloved.

Ashley E said...

I'll probably be reading Dinosaur Dust. :)

Unknown said...

I think a reread of AND THEN THERE WERE NONE is in order. :)

GL Tomas said...

Im not sure, perhaps i'll freestyle with something on my shelf :) I dont think I qualify for your giveaway, but Im mainly hopping to connect with other book bloggers anyway :) So prizes would only be icing on the cake :)

New follower via Bloglovin and GFC

Hope you have time to hop over to Twinja Book Reviews

Kathleen said...

Honestly, I'm not sure. I'm stuck on a book right now that Amazon reviews said was awesome and I'm not finding it so. =( I am forcing my way through to see where it goes because I hate quitting. On the other hand, there are so many books and so little time I'm wondering if I should just throw in the towel on this one...

Krista said...

Maybe Anna Dressed in Blood. Thanks for the giveaway!

Maureen said...

The Shadowy Horses by Susanna Kearsley.

Isa said...

I want to read House of Leaves. Thank you for the giveaway and enjoy your day! :)

Britney Gulbrandsen said...

I just bought Asylum by Madeleine Roux. Can't wait to read it!

Mommy Evolution said...

I'm reading a book of Stephen King's short stories.

I am so thrilled to be a part of this book giveaway extravaganza and have entered yours! Find me at

Jennifer @ The Jenny Evolution

jmcgaugh said...

Sherrilyn Kenyon's Styxx

Unknown said...

Maybe one of Neil Gaiman's book from my TBR pile ;p

Unknown said...

The Unbecoming of Mara Dyer. Thanks for the awesome giveaway! :D

Unknown said...

Doctor Sleep by Stephen King and his son's new book NOS4A2 by Joe Hill

Happy Halloween!

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cherry said...

Lokking forward to Archangel's Legion by Nalini Singh :)

Suz Reads said...

I can't wait to read Doctor Sleep! Thanks for this amazing giveaway - I would love to win!

Nara said...

Planning to have a read of The Shining!

Irene Jackson said...

I shall re-read a couple of Nalini Singh's Archangel series ready for the much awaited new Archangels Legion.

Unabridged Bookshelf said...

I am planning on reading Unfed by Kirsty Mckay because who doesn't like a good zombie book on Halloween.

Filia Oktarina said...

I don't have plan, just see and read what i wanna read :)

DShope said...

I have no plans I will grab what looks good at the library.

Anonymous said...

Cimitirul animalelor de Stephen King

Unknown said...

I'd pick sentinel Thanks for the giveaway

Jillyn said...

I plan on reading Dance of Shadows. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lisa Mandina said...

I need to finally read The Diviners by Libba Bray.

Allie L said...

Origin by Jennifer Armentrout.

Iyana Jenna said...

Gods by James Erich

Unknown said...

I would love to read Carrie by Stephen King.

Thanks for this giveaway :)

Janhvi said...

Anna Dressed in Blood.

Unknown said...

trying to read a book everyday if not busy with school works. but i really have a long list for this. ;) Thanks for the giveaway! <3

mk said...

Haven't decided yet but I don't really have a big choice. Thanks for the great giveaway!

Abinormyl said...

Right now I am reading the Jill Kismet series by Lilith Saintcrow. I really like this series so I will probably finishing it around halloween.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure it depends on whether I finish the book i'm reading now before then. But if I do I'll start What's Left of Me by Kat Zhang.

Unknown said...

I'll probably be rereading Allegiant for the fifteenth time by then :)

Jeann @ Happy Indulgence said...

Definitely ALLEGIANT!

Unknown said...

I am about to start Good Intentions by DN Simmons, one of my favorite authors.

Chantelle said...

Hopefully Allegiant!

Unknown said...

i would like to read dr. sleep, by stephen king over the next month, thanks!

FJ said...

1984 by George Orwell.

Makaela said...

I plan on reading Ten!

Frida A said...

Maybe Carmilla by Sheridan Le Fanu

Lacey T said...

Allegiant by Veronica Roth!

ceblain said...

Everything that I read is a favorite while I am reading it. Then you decide afterwards but it is hard to judge as all books have something special.

Pam said...

I have no idea what I'm planning to read.

Sayomay said...

Viral Nation and Temptation by RL STine! :D
Mary G Loki

miki said...

not really sure but a paranormal romance or an urban fantasy one perhaps third grave dead ahead by darynda jones

Unknown said...

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and Anna Dressed in Blood duology :)

Unknown said...

I think I'm going to listen to Anna Dressed in Blood :)
Thanks for the chance!

Unknown said...

Allegiant! Thanks for the giveaway! :D

Sofia said...

I am on my last chapters of Everneath, after that I'll read Imaginary Girls by Nova Ren Suma....and after that I'll read Everbound :D

bn100 said...

not sure yet

Kaitlyn Weaver said...

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown

Kristia said...

I'll read the Graveyard Queen series by Amanda Stevens. Thank you for the giveaway!

HannahRaeReads said...

Hey, I was planning on reading Let The Right One In by John Ajvide Lindovis :) heard it isn't your typical vampire book that is out today, haha heard it's quite freaky!

Mona said...

The Edge of Normal by Carla Norton
Thanks :)

Jamie E. said...

I am currently reading The Outside by Laura Bickle. Not sure if I am reading an other 'theme' type books specifically for Halloween though.

Natasha said...

I am reading Always October by Bruce Coville right now.
Thanks for the chance to win!

Szappanbubi said...

The immortal rules or The bone season :)


Blodeuedd said...

Nothing special as we do not celebrate Halloween ;)

Ashfa said...

The Hallowed Ones.

Victorique de Blois said...

Book Thief

Farhana Reads said...

Splintered by AG Howard, maybe. Or re-reading Harry Pottah~

Lynne said...

I have several scary-ish books I've saved to read for Halloween this year. But, you have several choices listed above that need to add to my list too. :)

Maidenveil said...

Dead Tossed Waves by Carrie Ryan

Unknown said...

The Coldest Girl in Coldtown and The Murmurings. Thanks for the giveaway :)

Unknown said...

I got Asylum, Not a Drop to Drink, All our Yesterdays from the library. And then I have Girl of Nightmares!

Cricket said...

The Bone Season

Meghan said...

Scarlet by Marissa Meyer.
Thanks for the giveaway!

ChiKittie said...

Hmm. I am not sure yet but it will be something scary. ;)

- Beckie

Jo's Daughter said...

Haven't got a spooky book for Halloween yet, but would love to read a vampire story. Maybe One lucky Vampire from Lynsay Sands...

Unknown said...

This Halloween I'm going to be seeing the Nine Inch Nails (Trent!) in concert...but right now I'm reading Bone Gods by Caitlin Kittredge.

Thanks for the amazing giveaway!
elizabeth @ bookattict . com

Wendy Mastin said...

I'm reading The Dark Man, by Stephen King

Toni Porter said...

I'm so busy for the next week, I don't even know if I'll have time to reread The Dracula Tapes (which I traditionally read every Halloween).

HelloJennyReviews said...

I'm not sure... Any suggestions? I would love to read a REALLY scary book. Something that actually frightens me. But I have yet to find any book that scares me. I will probably start reading The Diviners or something along those lines.

Kat said...

I'm going to read Beautiful Creatures, because i wanted to read it the second I finished watching the movie.

amanda whitley said...

i want to read anna dressed in blood!

Why Not? Because I Said So! said...

Blackout by Robison Wells.

Samantha Cerff said...

I want to read Anna Dressed in Blood :3

Vera Machado said...

Maybe The Dream Thieves.

Thanks for the giveaway!!! :D

Unknown said...

Black Heart by Christina Henry

Unknown said...

Something by Stephen King :D

Lisa Shafer said...

Dracula. Such a classic. :)

Unknown said...

I love reading the fearstreet during this time of the month.

Jolene and Family said...

I just started Demonfire by Kate Douglas

Alexju said...

I think I'm going to read The Shining. Thanks for the giveaway!

oriana said...

in planning to rad Girl of nightmares!

Unknown said...

Not sure, maybe Red Hill! Thanks!

Life's Simple Pleasures said...

I'm currently reading Iron King! Lots of supernaturals in it! Thanks!

Unknown said...

I'm currently reading Doctor Sleep!

Daniel M said...

no plans too busy! - regnod(at)yahoo(d0t)com

Cindi said...

I'm working both my jobs on Halloween so I won't be reading anything that night. However, I have been reading Dark Lullaby. CREEPPPY!!

Unknown said...

I just finished my book last night i havent even looked at my bookshelf yet to see whats next

Amber Terry said...

Joyland by Stephen King.

Thanks for the chance to win!

_Sandra_ said...

Since I just finished The Shining by Stephen King, my Halloween book will be Doctor Sleep aka The Shining #2.
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

_Sandra_ said...

Since I just finished The Shining by Stephen King, my Halloween book will be Doctor Sleep aka The Shining #2.
Thanks for a giveaway! :)

Unknown said...

The Joshua Stone

Wayne Lecoy said...

I entered your Spooktacular Giveaway
In response to your question of
What book do you plan to read this Halloween?
I am going to read
Dust and Decay by Jonathan Maberry.
Thank you for having this giveaway!!

Dovile said...

already started Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

Unknown said...

Carrie by stephen king maybe, but that too spooky, just wanna try

Kamla L. said...

I'm reading Charming by Elliott James.

Fiction_TheNewReality (Jayne) said...

I'm reareading Stephen King's The Shining! Thanks for the giveaway!

AshleighSwerdfeger said...

Dahlia, Blood Crave :)

BookLady said...

The Bone Season. Thanks for the great giveaway. Happy Halloween!

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