Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Spotlight! The Impaler's Revenge (The Impaler Legacy #1) by Ioana Visan

Release date: April 14, 2013
Format: ebook
Genre: Fantasy

In a world crawling with vampires, Romania is the safest place left on earth. Thanks to the Little Council, there hasn't been a vampire on Romanian ground in over five centuries. But one day, Liana Cantacuzino, also a member of the Little Council and a descendant of one of the old noble families, is ordered to bring one in, covertly. Enter Maximilien Hess, a thousand years old vampire determined to ruin the existing order of things.

Suddenly, Liana finds herself forced to protect Hess, instead of having the pandurs kill him. With the help from her trustful friends, Rodica Ghica and Ştefan Sturdza, and that of an innocent bystander, Dr. Jesse Carver, Liana has to find out what is going on and what the President is hiding from her. When all is revealed, Hess's secret changes everything.

The first novella in The Impaler Legacy series, a vampire saga like no other.

Book links:

About the Author:

Award-winning writer Ioana Visan has always dreamed about reaching the stars, but since she can't, she writes about it.

She made her debut in English with a short story published by Every Day Fiction, and also has one included in Evolved Publishing's "Evolution: Vol. 2" short story collection. After fighting the apocalypse aftermath in "Human Instincts", she played with shapeshifters in “Blue Moon Café Series: Where Shifters Meet for Drinks”, and then she dealt with vampires in “The Impaler’s Revenge”, before tackling longer works like a fantasy trilogy and a science fiction series.

Author Links:


Anonymous said...

îmi place sabia asta drăguță

Unknown said...

ooo o romanca, mult succes:**

Diana Gavrila said...

Eu abia am terminat-o de citit și mi-a plăcut tare mult. Merită!

Anonymous said...

să sperăm ca va avea succesul pe care il merită

Unknown said...

Din punctul meu de vedere coperta e o alegere proasta , nu ma intelegeti gresit imi doresc din tot sufletul ca aceasta sa fie o carte buna, nu am citit cartea nu-mi dau cu parerea despre ea

Unknown said...

dreams de unde ai procurat-o? se gaseste in librari?

Diana Gavrila said...

@Bia Bianca: O poți comanda de pe Amazon sau Smashwords din câte știu. Eu am primit-o pentru recenzie de la autoare. Poți lua legătura cu ea prin facebook sau blogul personal pentru aceste detalii. Lectură plăcută!

Alexandra Ioana said...

coperta asta mi aduce aminte de seria fratia pumnalului negru :D ( probabil din cauza sabiei ) :D

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