Desi initial am inceput sa citesc Night Circus, Cristina m-a convins ca merita sa incep seria Dark Hunter. Si ... O da!!! Merita din plin, am citit doua volume si nu pot sa ma mai opresc. Dar din pacate trebuie sa fac o pauza pentru a citi cartea Chosen Ones de
Tiffany Truitt pe care am primit-o pentru recenzie.
Life is bleak but
uncomplicated for sixteen-year-old Tess, living in a not-too-distant
future where the government, faced with humanity's extinction, created
the Chosen Ones, artificial beings who are extraordinarily beautiful,
unbelievably strong, and unabashedly deadly.
When Tess begins work at Templeton, a Chosen Ones training facility, she meets James, and the attraction is immediate in its intensity, overwhelming in its danger. But there is more to Templeton than Tess ever knew. Can she stand against her oppressors, even if it means giving up the only happiness in her life?
Voi ce mai cititi?
When Tess begins work at Templeton, a Chosen Ones training facility, she meets James, and the attraction is immediate in its intensity, overwhelming in its danger. But there is more to Templeton than Tess ever knew. Can she stand against her oppressors, even if it means giving up the only happiness in her life?
Voi ce mai cititi?
eu inca nu ma pot decide ..spulbera-ma, portretul lui dorian gray sau paranormal un mic ajutor....
Cu siguranta Spulbera-ma :D Lectura placuta!
mersi mult bonnie la ea m-am gandit si eu ..o voi incepe in seara asta si asa maine nu pot merge la scoala
Interesantă cartea asta... eu citesc Harry Potter. Da, abia acum, dar mă bazez pe principiul ” lectură fără vârstră” pe care l-am tot auzit.
Anca nu pot sa iti zic decat Lectura placuta! Eu am citit de 9 ori HP.
Fever, primele trei volume, am primit saptamana trecuta comanda si nu ma pot abtine, mereu stau cu nasul in ele
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