Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Cover Reveal! The Hazard of Skinny Dipping by Alyssa Rose Ivy

Release date: Early Summer 2013

This isn't a deep book about first loves or self-discovery. If you want a book like that, I'd be happy to recommend one, but I don't have that kind of story to tell. Instead my story is about rash decisions and finding out that your dream guy is bad in bed. It's the story of when I finally went skinny dipping, and how my life was never the same again. Oh, and it's also the story of my freshman year of college and realizing Mr. Right might have been there all along.

Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.
Find her on:


Anonymous said...

oficial coperta asta intra la categoria lucrurilor foarte, foarte hot ...imi place

Anonymous said...

:)) Usor funny descrierea,dar coperta este chiar pasionala ca sa zic asa.

Andreeea said...

Imi plac si coperta si descrierea. O carte perfecta pentru vara, de citit la plaja sau la piscina. Ador cartile astea

Maji Bookshelf said...

this sounds like a FUN novel!!

- Juhina @ Maji Bookshelf

Anonymous said...

Asa este hogof: pare personala si intima , dar cred case datoreza faptului ca s-au folosit modele reale, nu poze sau chestiute simple desenate ;)) si asta o face mult mai diferita;)) genulastade cartie foarte bun vara cand te plictisesti sau cand efectiv nu mai vrei vampirasi, dar eu cum nu am trecut in totatlitatede faza vampirior cred..mi-am propus ca la vara sa dau gata niste carti cu vampiri , unele recitite , altele lecturate pentru prima oara, doar -doar ca sa fac recenzia ;))

Crina|| booktwist_ said...

Pare draguta, desi seamana cu alte si alte carti de vara.

Andreeea said...

Si eu m-am gandit sa ma las putn de fantasy si sa citesc altfel de carti, dar deocamdata trebuie sa le termin pe astea. Daca vrei vampiri, Academia Vampirilor e geniala :))

Unknown said...

desi nu prea ma omor dupa cartile astea, mi se pare ca aceasta coperta e linistitoare. zici ca e apus de soare

Ellena said...

Hmm.. Aceasta carte pare ca un fel de evadare din lumea cartilor fantasy. Pare o lectura usoara si care te tine in suspans pana la ultimul moment.
As prefera sa o citesc intr-un week-end calduros (mai aleas ca a venit primavara) si sa nu ma gandesc la nimic altceva cand o citesc.

Unknown said...

si eu mai simt nevoia cate odata de o lectura usoara si palcuta

andra lavander said...

daca prind putin timp liber in vara asta o voi citi, daca nu atunci poate imi voi insori toamna cu ea

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