Sunday, March 17, 2013

Burned (Fever #7) by Karen Marie Moning

"I'm currently working on a trilogy that features Dani, Christian MacKeltar, Ryodan, and the mysterious 'Dancer,' set primarily in Fever-Dublin. Each installment in the trilogy is a stand-alone mystery, however there are larger plot arcs unfolding in the background...

..For those of you who have been worrying—the trilogy is not YA. If I had to categorize it, I would say it straddles the line between YA and adult uneasily. ...Many of the questions I left unanswered in the FEVER series are addressed in this new series.

Exciting news: I’ve agreed to write two more books after that. Once the new trilogy is complete, I’m returning to the core story begun in the FEVER series, and will resume writing about Mac, Barrons, V’lane, Cruce, the Unseelie king, the concubine, the Song of Making.

All in all, there are five more books coming about the Fever World!"


"ICED is the sixth book in the Fever series. The only difference is ICED is narrated by Dani, interspersed with various other first-person points of view. (One of those first person points of view is Christian MacKeltar.)

ICED opens up one week before Shadowfever ends, at the sidhe-seer’s abbey, the morning after the Cruce got imprisoned beneath it. You don’t miss a beat in the action I developed in the prior books.

Some of the characters you will see: Dani, Dancer, Ryodan, Christian, Lor, Jo, Kat, Cruce, Velvet, a glimpse or two of Mac & Barrons, and many others.

BURNED and FLAYED are books 7 & 8 in the Fever series. Again, told from Dani’s viewpoint, plus others. Books 9 & 10 will return to Mac’s point of view. Mostly. If you don’t read 6, 7 & 8, books 9 and 10 won’t make any sense."

Book 6:

Books 1-5:


natașa said...

Deja volumul 7 și eu nu am citit niciunul... Hmm

Unknown said...

same here anca cand am vazut prima coperta in post imi suna cunoscuta autoare apoi am recunoscut si cartile

Unknown said...

Sună bine ! ^^

Anonymous said...

sunt foarte interesante ...ardere, gheata ..etc, etc..suna tentant

Crina|| booktwist_ said...

N-am citit seria, dar pare foarte interesanta si copertile sunt pe masura.

andra lavander said...

sunt curioasa de ce o cauta Mac pe Danny cu atata insistenta in Iced, sunt siguraca vor avea o discutie aprinsa, nu prea ma incanta Danny si nici Ryodan, ramn fidela cuplului Mac-Barrons

Unknown said...

la mine e cam greu sa citesc seria nu prea particip la concursuri cu c arti in romana pentru ca vreau sa ma axez mai mult pe cele de la noi asa ca si la astea astept sa apara la noi. i s-a facut multa reclama si sunt sigura ca o sa apara si la noi

Anonymous said...

Partea cea mai proasta la cartile in serie este redata de 2 aspecte unu ,,in Ro se traduc foarte greu iar suspansul fie te omoara , fie trece timp si uiti ce serie ai 2 din punctul meu de vedere ce este prea mult strica te plictisesti, iar actiunea devine trasa de par ...

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