Monday, February 4, 2013

Trailer Reveal: The Watcher by Lisa Voisin

Author Lisa Voisin’s THE WATCHER will be releasing exactly one month from today, on March 4th, 2013 and we’re super excited to be able to share with our blog’s readers a short excerpt from the book and to be a part of the book’s awesome trailer reveal!

There is also a giveaway for a pre-order copy of THE WATCHER for US/Canada residents. So be sure to enter below.

THE WATCHER is author Lisa Voisin’s debut novel and is a book Eileen Cook says, “…is sure to keep readers turning the pages late into the night.”

And after having read both the excerpt and the book’s description, we couldn’t agree more! But we’ll let you decide for yourself. They’re both included below. As is the book’s wicked cool trailer!

With some gothic techno beats, super cool images and a description that is meant to tease, this trailer totally sets the mood for this story. What do you think?

About the Book

Author: Lisa Voisin
Publisher: InkSpell Publishing
Publication date: March 4, 2013
Pages: 508
Format: Available to pre-order in Paperback

Millennia ago, he fell from heaven for her.
Can he face her without falling again?

Fascinated with ancient civilizations, seventeen-year-old Mia Crawford dreams of becoming an archaeologist. She also dreams of wings—soft and silent like snow—and somebody trying to steal them.

When a horrible creature appears out of thin air and attacks her, she knows Michael Fontaine is involved, though he claims to know nothing about it. Secretive and aloof, Michael evokes feelings in Mia that she doesn’t understand. Images of another time and place haunt her. She recognizes them—but not from any textbook.

 With some gothic techno beats, super cool images and a description that is meant to tease, this trailer totally sets the mood for this story. What do you think?

About the Author

A Canadian-born author, Lisa Voisin spent her childhood daydreaming and making up stories, but it was her love of reading and writing in her teens that drew her to Young Adult fiction.

When she's not writing, you'll find her meditating or hiking in the mountains to counter the side effects of drinking too much coffee.

She lives in Vancouver, B.C. with her fiance and their two cats.

Find her: Twitter | Facebook | Website | Blog

Instead of saying more, he brushed his fingertips along my cheek, and his halo glimmered. I could hear the waves slapping the rocks behind us, the wind driving them in. That same wind whipped against my skin, but the touch of his hand on my face was all I could think about. It sent a current through both of us and filled me with longing for something I wasn’t sure I understood.

“I’m sorry.” He stepped back and shoved his hands into his pockets as the light around him faded. “You don’t know what it’s like. Being near you now, remembering those moments we had…” His hair blew into his eyes, but this time he didn’t move. I wanted to brush it back, but I didn’t know how he’d react. Would touching him be bad?

“You want to know who you were?” he asked. “You may look different, but you’re the same. I look into your eyes and see you.” He took in a deep breath, fixing his attention on the horizon. I’d seen and heard so much now that the logical part of my brain had long since given up arguing with me. I could feel what he was saying was true. All of it. 

  • ONE pre-order copy of THE WATCHER by Lisa Voisin open to US/Canada.
  • Must be 13 or older to enter.
  • ONE entry per household.
  • Winner will be announced in the Rafflecopter and contacted by email.
  • Winner will have 48 hours after notification to respond or another winner will be chosen.
Enter below...
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Anonymous said...

superba carte mult succes participantilor

Unknown said...

am mai auzit de eaa pare interesanta

Anonymous said...

eu personal sunt innebunita dupa coperta, nu stiu de ce, dar are ceva ce ma atrage

Unknown said...

da e foarte frumoasa si misterioasa

Anonymous said...

emana mister si senzualitate penel alea ma duce cu gandul la seria ingerul noptii

Unknown said...

penele ma duc cu gandul. da chiar seamana cu ingerul noptii abia astept sa o am

Anonymous said...

seria ingerul noptii? e o serie cu coperte atat de frumoase, astept cu nerabdare sa o citesc, dar din pacate primeaza cele pentru scoala si mai am cateva clasice de citit pentru o provocare la care nu renunt asa de usor :))

Unknown said...

si eu m-am inscris la provocarea acea. imi place asa mai citesc si eu clasici

Anonymous said...

bafta si tie bia...

alexa said...

In legatura cu intrebarea, nu stiu ce ma intriga, nu am citit cartea. Dar mi-ar placea sa o citesc.
Trailerul este interesant. Imi place.

alexa said...

In legatura cu intrebarea. Nu stiu ce ma intriga pentru ca nu am citit cartea. Dar, mi-as dori sa o citesc.
Imi place trailerul, este frumos.

deea s said...

e super tare mai ales ca da posibilitatea si promoveaza cititul:dtineti-o asa in continuare

deea s said...

te intriga...nici nu trebuie sa citesti continutul ca coperta iti taie sunt genul care judeca cartea dupa coperta..o carte foarte buna si interesanta da fascineaza de la coperta,mirosul ei pana la continut si actiunea:D

Alexandra Ioana said...

superba carte,mult succes tuturor participantilor >:D<

Alexandra Ioana said...

sper sa o scoata si o editura de la noi din romania.mi-ar place.coperta este atat de inocenta.

Alexandra Ioana said...

imi plac aripile dp coperta.

Alexandra Ioana said...

banuiesc ca cartea asta e cu ingeri nu? daca e asa atunci imi place la nebunie:X mi-ar place sa fie scoasa si la noi.

Anonymous said...

da banuiesti bine cartea are ceva angelic legatura cu publicarea la noi in tara trebuii sa asteptam putin nu e usor sa scoti atatea carti e mereu chestia cu vedem o carte si o vrem fara sa cantarim daca merita sau nu ..mai ales ca vedem la altii si vrem si noi ..

Si soarele e o stea

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