Thursday, February 21, 2013

Love Lines Series by Diana Nixon

 Book #1: Love Lines

Love lines series
The traces of supernatural powers have always been crossing the world of human beings. Many people know about the existence of healers, mind readers, oneiromancers and wizards. But for centuries their lives have been kept secret and no one has ever heard about one special place, where those gifted people studied.
Neither has Eileen Clark, whose life has never been different from the one other teenagers have.
But one day everything changes. Eileen finds out that she belongs to the mysterious world of unnatural and the destiny leads her to Dever – a closed university for the people like her.
Nothing will ever be the same again…
New life, new friends, new enemies…
But the true love will never let her down. It will help to go through everything….

#1 – Love lines
The story begins with a strange dream, which has been torturing Eileen for nights. Trying to find out its hidden meaning she leans on her best friend Amanda for help. The two of them go to a fortune-teller, who predicts changes in Eileen’s life.
Eileen and Amanda, whose family is one of the seven founders of Dever, go there to start new life and get education. Coming to the university Eileen meets Christian, Amanda’s brother, whom she falls in love with from the very first sight. But, as it turns out later, Christian is in love with her too.
They couldn’t even imagine that many years ago their lives were bound by magical spells. But now they have to find out why…

Book #2: Songs of the Wind

Losing Christian hasn’t been easy for Eileen. But she’s not going to give up. Now she has to find a way to bring him back from the magical dream, where he was taken by Eric Lanster. Together with her friend Evan, Eileen goes to France – Meridin’s motherland, where she hopes to find out the mysteries of the dream’s magic. In a small town named Fontainbleau they meet a wizard, who turns out to know a lot of their secrets…
Determined to help Eileen, Evan agrees to complete some special dream piercing training. But he can’t even imagine what he has put himself into. The magic of dreams keeps a lot of secrets. The spells are dangerous and their consequences no one is able to predict.
Friends can become enemies…
The ones they used to call their family can become traitors…
But the ones they love will always be there to help…

About the Author:

Diana Nixon was born in Minsk, Belarus, where she still lives and works on her series. Before becoming a writer she received a Master of Law degree from Belorussian state University. She has always liked reading fantasy novels, so when she came up with the idea of writing a book, she already knew what genre to choose. At the moment Diana is working on her Love lines series.


Anonymous said...

Dumnezeule sunt superbe aceste coperte si carti ideea este geniala.

Unknown said...

ador tatuajul de pe spatele fetei. sper sa imi fac si eu unul curand

Alexandra Ioana said...

minunate sunt aceste coperti:X
le ador pur si simplu

Anonymous said...

Mie copertele celor doua carti imi par a fi feerice, desigur ca a doua o iubesc mai mult decat pe prima

Bonnie Ithil said...

Si cartile sunt foarte frumoase. Citesc eu acum volumul 1.
Bia sa inteleg ca esti adepta tatuajelor? :D

Unknown said...

da am sa imi fac si eu unul la 18 ani. mi se pare mie sau tipul din a doua coperta seamana mult cu william levi?

Anonymous said...

uh ,,,e dureros cand ma gandesc la acele alea pe trup , dar sa il stapanesti sanatoasa si sa te bucuri de el dupa ce il vei face :))

Unknown said...

mersi imi plac mult sigur il voi posta si pe blog daca il fac

Bonnie Ithil said...

nu sunt chiar asa dureroase, depinde unde il faci :). eu am dupa clavicula pana pe umar si nu a fost asa dureros. E acceptabil :)

Anonymous said... le stapaniti sanatoase;))..ce model ai ?

Bonnie Ithil said...

note muzicale si pasari.

Unknown said...

cat de tare. nu stiam ca ai tatuaj. mi-ar placea sa il vad si eu daca ai o poza ceva sa mi-o trimiti si mie te rog

Anonymous said...

o da felicitari..note muzicale si pasari .la pasari ma gandeam direc la divergfent nu stiu dece am atribuit asta ..dar probabil ca mintea imi joaca feste

Unknown said...

eu ma gandesc la libertate cand aud pasari. Si bucurie

Alexandra Ioana said...

prima coperta este absolut stralucitoare si imi place enorm de mult:X am auzit multe despre aceasta autoare.

Bonnie Ithil said...

@ Bia, poza am pe facebook, ma gasesti cu Simona Bonnie Ithil.

Unknown said...

nu gasesc pozele mai caut maine cand sunt mai odihinta

Anonymous said...

da asta e in gen traiasca facebookul;)) ..

Si soarele e o stea

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