Monday, February 11, 2013

E luni. Ce mai citim?

Avand in vedere ca am terminat Finale (Hush hush #4) azi de dimineata in jurul orei 5:00 (deci era LUNI :) ), la rubrica de azi o sa postez chiar aceasta carte.

Will love conquer all?

Nora and Patch thought their troubles were behind them. Hank is gone and they should be able to put his ugly vendetta to rest. But in Hank's absence, Nora has become the unwitting head of the Nephilim and must finish what Hank began. Which ultimately means destroying the fallen angels - destroying Patch.

Nora will never let that happen, so she and Patch make a plan: lead everyone to believe they have broken up, and work the system from the inside. Nora will convince the Nephilim that they are making a mistake in fighting the fallen angels, and Patch will find out everything he can from the opposing side. They will end this war before it can even begin.

But the best-laid plans often go awry. Nora is put through the paces in her new role and finds herself drawn to an addictive power she never anticipated.

As the battle lines are drawn, Nora and Patch must confront the differences that have always been between them and either choose to ignore them or let them destroy the love they have always fought for.

Voi ce cititi in aceasta zi de luni?

*Nu uitati ca primele 3 volume ale seriei Ingerul Noptii (Hush Hush) sunt aparute in Romania la Editura Litera.


Anonymous said...

eu citesc divergent simteam ea

Florin Filimon said...

Fata cu picioare de sticla(Ali Shaw)

Unknown said...

uuu frumos. fata cu picioare de sticla.. cum ti se pare?

Alexandra Ioana said...

n-am nici volumul 3 la ingerul noptii :(( off X( n-am gasit.o nicaierea,si cat am sunt tot la spulbera-ma la capitolul 25.

Anonymous said...

spulbera-ma mi se pare asa , nu stiu cum...fata cu picioare de sticla ..stiti care e partea amuzanta eu ma gandeam la poza articolelor la titlul unei carti, daca e e asa si eu sunt curioasa in ceea ce priveste carticica respectiva ..

Bonnie Ithil said...

Hmmm. @Krisszu95, eu nu am citit Fata cu picioare de sticla si sincer nici nu stiu despre ce este vb in cartea respectiva, dar Spulbera-ma este o carte superba care merita citita. Eu astept cu nerabdare sa ma apuc de volumul 2. :)

Alexandra Ioana said...

pff,asa-i bonnie este o carte absolut superba spulbera-ma,o ador:X,imi place la nebunie subiectul <3 chiar merita citita.

Anonymous said...

cred ca voi incerca sa o achizitionez si eu ;)) spulbera-ma ;)) ..mie mereu mi-a placut coperta adica rochia fetei , apai acum nu stiu , dar daca ma gandesc , rasucesc am sa iti spun daca o iau :)) si evident parertea mea in legatura cu ea :)

Alexandra Ioana said...

=)) e foarte buna spulbera-ma
am ajuns deja la capitolul 28:X e prea faina:X
sper ca va fi scos si volumul 2 8->

Anonymous said...

vad ca o citesti cu mare drag;)) ...sper sa fie asa ;))..catdespre finale abia astept sa apara

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