Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Cover Reveal! Unbroken by Melody Grace

Expected publication: March 12th 2013

"Mom always told me there are two kinds of love in this world: the steady breeze, and the hurricane. Emerson Ray was my hurricane…"

Juliet McKenzie was an innocent eighteen-year old when she spent the summer in Cedar Cove—and fell head over heels in love with Emerson. Complicated, intense Emerson, the local bad boy. His blue eyes hid dark secrets, and just one touch could set Juliet ablaze. Their love was demanding and all-consuming, but when summer ended, tragedy tore them apart. Juliet swore she’d never go back, and she’s kept that promise… Until now.

Four years later, Juliet’s done her best to rebuild the wreckage of her shattered life. She’s got a great boyfriend, and a steady job planned after she graduates. Returning to Cedar Cove to pack up her family’s beach house to prepare it for sale, Juliet is determined that nothing will stand in the way of her future. But one look from Emerson, and all her old desire comes flooding back. He let her go once, but this time, he’s not giving up without a fight. And Emerson fights dirty.

A heartbreaking history. An unstoppable passion. Torn between her past and future, Juliet struggles to separate love from desire. But will they find a way to overcome their tragic secrets—together? And after so much damage has been done, can a love remain unbroken?

*This book contains adult situations and explicit content.*

Make sure to follow author Melody Grace! She will be revealing a sneak peek soon!

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Anonymous said...

mult succes participantilor la acest concurs

Alexandra Ioana said...

mult succes participantilor la acest concurs >:D<
copertile astea ne scot in calduri =))

Andreea said...

Este mult prea frumoasa <3 Chiar este o chimie perfecta intre cei doi.

Unknown said...

urmatoarea serie dupa chimie perfecta;)))

Anonymous said...

Chime este mult prea putin spus , intre cei doi e mai multdecatatat , este ceva explozivil, o tensiune extraordinara ...pasiune , chiumie ,placere ..da o relatie cum numai in carti gasim ,,:))

deea s said...

E ador si miar placea sa o am:D

Unknown said...

nu prea ma atrag cartiile de genul. prefer fantasy sau clasic sau distopic sau politist etc

Anonymous said...

politiste nu prea am citit genul asta de carti si la dispotic m-am impotmolit la divergent caci trebuie sa citesc niste carti pentru scoala acum si nah..dar dupa imi reiau lectura avand in vedere ca tris..

Unknown said...

da trissss cele politiste imi plac enorm sunt ca o gura de oxigen pentru mine

Anonymous said...

tris e adorabila, afurisita , o fata ce e in afara factiunilor ;))

andra lavander said...

inca o carte care se adauga lungii mele liste de lectura pe care o tot aman

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