Thursday, February 21, 2013

Cover Reveal! The Truth About Lettong Go by Leigh T. Moore

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A companion to The Truth About Faking (not a sequel; the books can be read out of order), The Truth About Letting Go takes readers back to Shadow Falls, or more specifically Shadow Creek, with Ashley Lockett as she learns about real friendship, love, and letting go. 

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Excerpt: I feel Colt laugh, and he looks down into my face. That’s when he seems to realize what I’ve been acutely aware of for the last several minutes—our bodies are pressed together. “It’s awesome, yeah?” he says. “Adrenaline rush.” “Yeah,” I breathe. “I guess.” I’m not sure if he’s going to kiss me until he does. His mouth covers mine, and energy mixes with the alcohol flooding my body. Our tongues slide together, and I grip his shirt so I don’t collapse.  Every single bit of this is wrong, and there’s no way I’m stopping it. It’s back, that good feeling. The sadness has been pushed out again, and in its place is this rush, this rush of adrenaline like Colt said.  He pulls back and smiles at me. “We’re going to start dating. Now. You’re my partner in crime.”  

About the Author:
Leigh Talbert Moore is a wife and mom by day, a writer by day, a reader by day, a former journalist and editor, a chocoholic, a caffeine addict, a lover of YA and new adult romance (really any great love story), a beach bum, and occasionally she sleeps.

 -The Truth About Faking is her debut young adult romance (on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iTunes, and Kobo
-Rouge is her first New Adult romantic suspense novel (on Amazon). 

Leigh loves hearing from readers; stop by and say hello! Blog * Facebook * Amazon Author page * Goodreads * Twitter * Tumblr


Unknown said...

nu sunt genul meu cartile acestea as spune pas

Anonymous said...

este o carte interesanta deci da atraatoare din anumite puncte de vedere

Unknown said...

da pentru cei pasionati, dar nu pentru mine prefer un roman politist

Anonymous said...

mai cred ca dupa ce termin cu toata nebunia si muntele de teme care e prin jurul meu si sper ca inainte de paste sa ma apuc si eu de un roman de astacu subiect politist ;)) asa de destindere

Unknown said...

chiar te rog sa citesti. poate ceva cu sherlock holmes de care m-am indragotit iremediabil

Anonymous said...

eh asta am sa fac...

Unknown said...

serios ai sa citesti holmes? superrr sa ne zici parerea pe blog

Anonymous said...

da am sa zic :))//insa trebuie sa termin intai cu main preda si alte carti pentru scoala;))..amsadevin un detectiv particular

Unknown said...

ma bucur ca mai citesti si autori romani. au fost cam uitati in ultima vreme

Alexandra Ioana said...

copertile astea romantice imi dau o stare prea proasta pentru mine =)))
de melancolie ceva de genul aceste :))

Alexandra Ioana said...


Unknown said...

da nici eu nu ma dau in vant dupa coperti imi plac cele cu o idee, care te fac sa iti pui intrebari si sa iti imaginezi diferite scenarii

Anonymous said...

o da si mintea face tot felul de scenarii stiu cum e ..totusi eu le ador ;))

Anonymous said...

da bia :)) dar eu citesc mai mult clasice si auori romani ;)) mai putine carti ya ..dar trebuie sa pun eu mana pe divergent printre altele ;))

andra lavander said...

mie imi plac cartile romantice, starea de euforie melancolica pe care o capata dupa este cea care ma face mai imaginativa si atunvi imi scriu compunerile la romana

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