Saturday, January 12, 2013

Saturday - Under My Pillow #12

Ce-am avut eu sub perna saptamana asta? ...Telefonul. Dap. Ciudat sa ajung la munte si sa realizez ca nu am pe Kindle decat volumul 2. Asa ca pe primul, The Vincent Boys, l-am citit pe telefon si mi-a placut enorm (telefonul are net, se conecteaza la contul Amazon, unde era cartea...intelegeti voi). Azi am evoluat :D In seara asta am sub perna Kindle. Volumul 2, The Vincent Brothers e acolo, dupa cum spuneam. Daar in curand am sa dorm cu cartile, pentru ca Mona mi le-a cumparat. Multumesc muuuult! <3 <3

Lana has lived her life in her cousin’s shadow. Ashton always made perfect grades, had tons of friends, and looks model-perfect. And she’s always had Sawyer Vincent—the only boy Lana’s ever wanted—wrapped around her finger. But now things are different. Lana has a chance to make Sawyer see her, and she’s taking it. If only he’d get over Ashton—because Lana is sick of second-best.

Sawyer’s heart is broken. He’s lost his best girl to his best friend. And then Lana comes to town. Ashton’s cousin has always been sweet and soft-spoken, but now she’s drop-dead gorgeous as well. Sawyer doesn’t know if Lana can heal his broken heart, but spending time with her might at least make Ashton jealous.

What starts as a carefree fling becomes a lusty game of seduction. Sawyer and Lana may have different motives, but their scintillating hookups are the same kind of steamy. . . .


Pentru ca am citit miercuri si joi "Come Away With Me"
de Kristen Proby
, sambata aceasta o sa am sub perna aceiasi carte care a fost si luni la rubrica "E luni. Ce mai cititm?". 
One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress #2)
de Jeaniene Frost

You can run from the grave, but you can’t hide…
Half-vampire Cat Crawfield is now Special Agent Cat Crawfield, working for the government to rid the world of the rogue undead. She’s still using everything Bones, her sexy and dangerous ex, taught her, but when Cat is targeted for assassination, the only man who can help her is the vampire she left behind.
Being around Bones awakens all her emotions, from the adrenaline rush of slaying vamps side by side to the reckless passion that consumed them. But a price on her head – wanted: dead or half-alive – means her survival depends on teaming up with Bones. And no matter how hard Cat tries to keep things professional between them, she’ll find that desire lasts forever … and Bones won’t let her get away again. Original.


*Voi ce carte ascundeti sub perna in seara aceasta? Noapte buna!


Duduş said...

Sincer momentan cayt ceva de citit dar cred ca voi cauta si eu primul volum Telefonul Dap:-?

alexa ioana said...

eu n-am citit niciodata pe telefon , din cauza ca n-am net, dar nu cred ca m-ar incanta, nici la calculator nu citesc prea confortabil, mi se pare obositor pentru ochi. dar daca nu ai alta carte la indemana, presupun ca telefonul este un bun inlocuitor:D

Alexandra Ioana said...

oh,cat de frumoase carti cititi,pacat ca nu stiu engleza,eu m-am apucat de paranormal de kristen white,iar,apoi,o sa ma apuc de volumul 2-supernatural:X

Christyna_BM said...

Alexa, da, nu e foarte comfortabil sa citesti pe telefon. Singurul lucru misto este intorsul paginilor:D. Kindle al meu este fara touch, deci acum pe tel am vazut si eu care e treaba. In rest, iti omoara ochii! Si cred ca si pe tableta e la fel. Deci raman la Kindle simplu cu e-ink pana la capat!

Unknown said...

din evolutia ta imi dau seama ca maine osa ai sub perna laptopul=))))) eu acum citesc the perfume garden nu vreau sa o mai termin e superba

Christyna_BM said...

Nooo laptopul sta perfect pe masa, doar e la 5 centimetri distanta de pat :))

Anonymous said...

hm...interesanta rubrica asta ;)) ...dar telefonul e sub perna?..trebuie sa incerc swi eu chestia asta intr-o zi ..a da distracti placuta pe la munte

Unknown said...

corect corect e bine ca il ai la indemana=)))

Alexandra Ioana said...

cred k nimeni nu doarme fara telefon=)),mie cel putin imi place sa l am la indemana=)),bine nu chiar sub perna,dar,la indemana:))

Cristinab said...

Lectura placuta fetelor. momentan citesc jurnalale lui stefan volumul constrangerea. sper sa-l termin pana maine :D
Eu nu dorm cu telefonul sub cap sau sub pat. cand sunt in casa uit complet de el, iar seara il dau pe pic.

andra lavander said...

eu prefer cartle clasice, sau Pc-ul sau ceva de genul, pe telefon mi se par literele prea mici asa ca am renuntat la obicei

Unknown said...

eu nu am mai rezistat tentatiei si cand am vazut ca mai am putin din perfume garden m-am apucat si de printul mecanic. Desi are scrisul micut si e mare se citeste foarte usor, poate din cauza actiuni

Anonymous said...

eu nu sunt genul care citeste mai multe carti odata imi place sa simt doar cartea pe care o citesc in acel moment

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