Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Cover Reveal: Firefly (Cicada #2) by Belle Whittington

Publication Date: February 2, 2013


Cicada (Cicada #1)

Summertime for Blair Reynolds and her friends had always been carefree and fun... until the summer they happened upon something that was not human. As they band together in a fight for their lives, Blair's true love becomes something more than human. Something unnatural. And their survival depends entirely upon their ability to keep a secret.

About the author:

Belle resides somewhere north of Houston, Texas in a small inconsequential town with the smallest most inconsequential name. There, in the shady reaches of the pines, elms, and oaks, she daydreams of adventures and secrets that she weaves throughout her stories.

Having studied literature at University of Houston, Belle has been known to consider teaching at the college level someday.


Alexandra Ioana said...

imi place foarte mult aceasta carte,sper sa o achizioneze o editura de la noi,sau de ce nu editura epica:>,ar fi o treaba.

Unknown said...

wow e frumoasa coperta. mai frumoasa ca prima

giddusadik said...

Wow,geniala coperta! M-a fermecat din prima clipa :)

alexa ioana said...

mie nu-mi place coperta...nici dupa prima nu ma omor, dar o prefer mai degraba decat pe cea a volumului doi

Anonymous said...

yuhuu a aparut , reactia mea whow ..genial superb , mirific....

Anonymous said...

sunt de aceasi parere cu giddusadik, cartea este absolut geniala ..mi-ar face placere sa o adopte cineva ..deci as ruga editurile sa o faca

Unknown said...

adevarul e ca a doua e destul de diferita de prima. nu s-a prea pastrat o legatura intre coperti

Alexandra Ioana said...
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Alexandra Ioana said...

asa e,sunt foarte diferite copertile intre ele,nu au nicio legatura :-??

Unknown said...

da axact daca nu le-ai vedea numele seriei si autoarei nu ai face legatura intre ele doar prin coperta

Alexandra Ioana said...

da....la prima coperta imi place ca strailucitoare:)),am o problema cu sclipiciu decand eram mica =))

Duduş said...

Doamne ce coperta frumoasa :|
Seria aceasta este pusa pe lista mea de citit la sectia: URGENT

Anonymous said...

hm cartea o vad pa editura leda

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