A fost o zi extraordinara pentru noi! Multumim tuturor participantilor si felicitari castigatorilor.
Si cum lucrurile bune nu vin niciodata singure, vreau sa fac un anunt EXTREM de important.
Editura se numeste EPICA, nu ii cunoastem inca, dar oricine ar fi ii iubim si le uram bun venit si mult succes pe piata noastra!
Daca vedeti acest mesaj, vreau sa va multumesc din suflet pentru sansa oferita cartii Easy si sa va asigur ca ati facut o alegere excelenta! Nu am gasit nicio modalitate de a lua legatura cu dumneavoastra, de aceea va rog sa-mi trimiteti un e-mail. Adresa mea o gasiti la CONTACT.
Si cum lucrurile bune nu vin niciodata singure, vreau sa fac un anunt EXTREM de important.
Tammara Webber m-a anuntat in aceasta seara ca Easy a fost cumparata de o editura din Romania!!!!!
Daca vedeti acest mesaj, vreau sa va multumesc din suflet pentru sansa oferita cartii Easy si sa va asigur ca ati facut o alegere excelenta! Nu am gasit nicio modalitate de a lua legatura cu dumneavoastra, de aceea va rog sa-mi trimiteti un e-mail. Adresa mea o gasiti la CONTACT.
Tin sa precizez ca acest concurs a fost planuit inainte de aflarea vestii, dar acum avem un motiv in plus de sarbatoare. Nu va pot descrie in cuvinte cat de fericita sunt!!!
Pentru cei care au rezistat alaturi de noi pe tot parcursul zilei, dar si pentru cei care au aflat mai tarziu si s-au hotarat sa ni se alature, avem acum cel mai frunos concurs fulger :D
Un exemplar cu AUTOGRAF al cartii...
When Jacqueline follows her longtime boyfriend to the college of his choice, the last thing she expects is a breakup. After two weeks in shock, she wakes up to her new reality: she’s single, attending a state university instead of a music conservatory, ignored by her former circle of friends, stalked by her ex’s frat brother, and failing a class for the first time in her life.
Her econ professor gives her an email address for Landon, the class tutor, who shows her that she’s still the same intelligent girl she’s always been. As Jacqueline becomes interested in more from her tutor than a better grade, his teasing responses make the feeling seem mutual. There’s just one problem—their only interactions are through email.
Meanwhile, a guy in her econ class proves his worth the first night she meets him. Nothing like her popular ex or her brainy tutor, Lucas sits on the back row, sketching in a notebook and staring at her. At a downtown club, he disappears after several dances that leave her on fire. When he asks if he can sketch her, alone in her room, she agrees—hoping for more.
Then Jacqueline discovers a withheld connection between her supportive tutor and her seductive classmate, her ex comes back into the picture, and her stalker escalates his attention by spreading rumors that they’ve hooked up. Suddenly appearances are everything, and knowing who to trust is anything but easy.
Pentru a va inscrie lasati un comentariu la aceasta postare care sa contina numele cu care ne urmariti prin GFC si link-ul prin care ati raspandit vestea. Concursul se incheie la ora 00.00
Succes tuturor!
nastya paun
GFC: Roxana Matfei
Share: https://twitter.com/nuamch3f/status/274966691279163392
Addicted to kryptonite
GFC: paula
GFC: Simona Husaru
Share: https://www.facebook.com/magic.buterfly/posts/516820334996823
Wow!!! Geninala vestea! :D
GFC: Stan Dana
GFC: Katty Deea
GFC Lexy L
GFC: Addicted
GFC: Alexa Ale
GFC: Mazăre
Sper că măcar acum am noroc :))
GFC: Laurentzyu
LINK: https://www.facebook.com/Laurentzyu.BlackAngel/posts/379343982151347
GFC: horade
Share FB: http://www.facebook.com/demetrescu.horatiugabriel/posts/224736014324817
O veste minunata!
Imi doresc foarte mult sa o citesc!
GFC: Laura
GFC: Smiling Miss
Vaiii!!! Cat de mult mi-o doresc!
Felicitari pentru reusita asta!
GFC: Lina
GFC: Stephany07
GFC: Dennysse
GFC: Miss Butterfly
Share: https://www.facebook.com/mihaela.dragomir.984/posts/174896445987466
Ramona Alexis
Vai, cat de tare imi doresc cartea asta, cred ca nico carte nu a reusit sa ma faca sa mi-o doresc atat de mult ca asta. :D
share https://www.facebook.com/bia.bis.5/posts/227189684080175
gfc bianca biuts
Cristina, glumesti ? :D Asta e cea mai buna veste, ever ! :)
Alex Raicea
GFC: Cristina Criss
GFC: Claudiu
Feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelicitari, pentru toata munca depusa si pentru tot, tot, tot!!!
kyky Tm
GFC adricool15
ce veste minunata Easy este o carte minunata
GFC: Andreea Florentina
Share: https://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/Andreutza.Flory/posts/309579255819770
anca a
Asta da veste! :x Abia astept sa o citesc la cate lucruri bune am auzit despre ea :D Felicitari si multumim BM pentru toate concursurile geniale pe care le tineti! :D
GFC - Theutza Theutza
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Simonik13/status/274971623461908480
gfc: Emil S
Share: http://www.facebook.com/emi.smint/posts/496247070405611
gfc: andreea87
share: http://www.facebook.com/andreea.chirita.87/posts/255624274565907
GFC: Adela Cacovean
Link: https://www.facebook.com/adela.cacovean/posts/113715728794128
Publicarea in Romania a volumului Easy e un inceput bun pentru oricine si dorim succes editurii Epica. Mai mult, e o bucurie cand un alt proiect devine realitate. Am fost printre primii sustinatori ai lui Easy si nu spun decat ca merita.
Cris, o facuram si pe asta!
GFC: Antonia Calina
gfc: Bogdan
share: http://www.facebook.com/zaineabogdan/posts/400846326658713
@CCAM Daaa chiar ca o facuram! Nu-mi vine sa cred!
GFC: BrokenNoir
GFC: iobanicu
GFC: Andd.
Share: https://twitter.com/Deea27428714/status/274976836327448576
GFC: Lucian Andrei
Share FB: http://www.facebook.com/lucica.shht/posts/501131839920996
GFC: Izabela
Share: http://www.facebook.com/izabela.grigorescu
GFC: Lorena Lal
share: http://www.facebook.com/lore.l.lore.10/posts/182062741933041
GFC: dana71
Postare FB: http://www.facebook.com/karina.vs.92/posts/134799986672520
Rucsi Rucs
GFC: hellena
Share: http://www.facebook.com/elena.demetrescu/posts/133388420148323
GFC: ioana97
GFC: Ghanda
Share: https://www.facebook.com/povestiIntunecate/posts/297919946985030
I-am dat share pe pagina blogului meu, ca sa-l vada mai multi oameni interesati de carti. Sper ca e ok :)
GFC: dya_dyana
Share: https://twitter.com/diana_andreea29/status/274990793930977280
GFC: Carmine
Link: http://www.facebook.com/marina.mi.3/posts/136626633155392
GFC: Dreams*Link
Link: http://www.facebook.com/diana.gavrila
pe wall
Multumim pentru concurs! O seara frumoasa.
Numai vesti bune! Tocmai ce am aflat ca si Pushing the limits va fi publicata la noi! Abia astept sa le citesc ^^^
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