Spoiler ALERT for those who haven't read Onyx!
Dawson raised his arm and two DVDs shot into his hand. “Uh, we have Diary of the Dead and Survival of the Dead.”
“Great,” Daemon muttered.
I rolled my eyes. “Wussy.”
“Whatever.” He elbowed me, knocking a kernel of popcorn between my chest and notebook. I sighed. “Want me to get that for you?” he asked.
Shooting him a look, I dug it out and then tossed it in his face. “You’re going to be grateful when the zombie apocalypse occurs and I know what to do because of my zombie fetish.”
He looked doubtful. “There are better fetishes out there, Kitten. I could show you a few.”
“Uh, no, thank you.” But I did flush. And there were a lot of images that suddenly polluted my brain. “Aren’t you supposed to go to the nearest Costco or something?” Dawson asked, letting the DVDs float back to the coffee table.
Daemon turned to his twin slowly, face incredulous. “And how would you know that?”
He shrugged. “It’s in the Zombie Survival Guide.”
“It is.” I nodded eagerly. “Costco has everything—thick walls, food, and supplies. They even sell guns and ammunition. You could hole up there for years while the zombies are getting their nom nom on.”
Daemon’s mouth dropped open.
“What?” I grinned. “Zombies got to eat, too, you know.”
:)) Ok, e amuzant. Sunt putin confuza, dar e amuzant.
:)) da, e amuzant!
cand va aparea trailer-ul cartii?
Trailerul va aparea pe 21 noiebrie, iar cartea undeva in luna decembrie dar nu mai stiu exact cand :D
deci, abia astept sa citesc cartea, cred ca am mai spus asta de cateva zeci de ori, dar nu ma pot abtine, si este adevart: vreau sa citesc cat mai curand cartea
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