Sixteen-year-old Maddie Dunn is special, but she needs to figure out how to use her new abilities before somebody else gets hurt. Ganzfield is a secret training facility full of people like her, but it's not exactly a nurturing place.Every social interaction carries the threat of mind-control.A stray thought can burn a building to the ground.And people's nightmares don't always stay in their own heads. But it's still better than New Jersey. Especially once she meets the man of her dreams...
My thoughts: I’ve
been trying to read The Ganzfield Series for a long time, but every time I got
close to it something else came up. Now, after finishing the first book in this
Series, MINDER, all I can ask myself is why didn’t I read it sooner.
I’m always bad at starting reviews, so I won’t torment you
longer and get straight to the point.
I liked Maddie from the beginning for a lot of reasons. The
most important is that she’s more strong than vulnerable. Yes, she has her
vulnerability moments, but she’s not overwhelmed by them, and she does
everything she can to go on, even if she goes through some difficult situations
that could break apart a teenage girl. Her new ability is tricky, but she
embraces it without complaining and actually tries to take advantage of it as
much as she can, and help the people around her while doing it. It’s awesome to
see her standing her ground in front of all those bullies, instead of rocking
in a corner, feeling sorry for herself.
When we meet Trevor, the storyline suddenly goes from great
to totally amazing! There’s no better way to describe Trevor then Maddie’s own
“Anyone who could see what I could of Trevor’s soul couldn’t help but fall in love with him”
It’s totally true! I’m used to reading books that show all
of the girl’s feelings but none of the boy’s. And even if we finally spot some
of his feelings, it’s usually through some actions, or some well interpreted
words. But to actually see what he
thinks… that’s extremely rare! And it’s also one of the things I loved so much
about MINDER: you can see Trevor’s strong parts as well as his weaknesses. I
think the fact that he’s so open to the readers it’s the main reason he’s so
adorable. He’s a great leading
character, people can definitely relate to him.
“If you need me I’ll be there,” he said aloud. “I want to be.”Even in my dreams?I could feel my smile creeping back.Even in your dreams.
Kate Kaynak has a fantastic writing style! She has the ability
to absorb you into the story and make you believe it’s all real. She’s
definitely a part of Ganzfield :D. She skillfully gives you the answers you
need to believe that the amazing world she’s created could be real. Genes,
experiments, medicines, it’s all like X-Men, but newer, better, and not at all
All in all, I enjoyed a lot reading MINDER. It’s a great
start for this series, and I can’t wait to get my hands on the next book.
Soulmates. He rolled the word around in his head, pondering it as if he were trying the different meanings on for size. Soulmates, he agreed.
Happy Reading!
Maxim de stele?! WAW! Inseamna ca eate foarte buna cartea. Chiar sunt curioasa sa citesc cum decurge totul, cum este Maddie, cum este Trevor. Ce se intampla intre ei.
Super partea cu "Even in your dreams." Tot citatul defapt!
Primul lucru care l-am vazut la recenzie a fost stelele. Stiu ca tu rar dai 5 stele unei carti si atunci cand dai cu siguranta se merita.
Apoi am inceput sa citesc recenzia si cu fiecare cuvand am devenit si mai curioasa, pe bune cartea asta suna grozav si daca ea este o fire puternica mie imi place si mai mult iar daca exista si o legatura puternica intre fata si baiat cu sigurana as adora cartea asta :D
Si pe mine m-ai convins s-o citesc. Si chiar cautam o serie YA noua. :D Imi plac cartile cu personaje cu puteri speciale si cu scoli, academii etc cu tineri. Abia astept sa ii cunosc pe Maddie si Trevor!
Super recenzia, ca de obicei!:D
La asta chiar convins e o carte super si la fel si recenzia:)
mai buna decat X-men, inseamna ca este cu adevarat buna
Imi place cand vad ca fetele pot fi la fel sau chiar mai puternice decat baietii si cand baietii reusesc sa-si exprime sentimentele si sa fie la fel de sensibili ca noi.
Cred ca asta a facut aceasta carte atat de speciala, incat sa primeasca cinci stele.
P.S.: Nu am crezut ca voi spune acest lucru vreodata, dar o carte a reusit sa ma cucereasca cu o singura fraza.
“If you need me I’ll be there,” he said aloud. “I want to be.”
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