Sunday, May 27, 2012

Vampire Empire series by Clay Griffith, Susan Griffith

Book #1
Vampire predators run wild in this exciting steampunk adventure, the first in an alternate history trilogy that is already attracting attention. In 1870, monsters rise up and conquer the northern lands, As great cities are swallowed up by carnage and disease, landowners and other elite flee south to escape their blood-thirsty wrath.

One hundred fifty years later, the great divide still exists; fangs on one side of the border, worried defenders on the other. This fragile equilibrium is threatened, then crumbles after a single young princess becomes almost hopelessly lost in the hostile territory. At first, she has only one defender—a mysterious Greyfriar who roams freely in dangerous vampire regions.

Book #2
Princess Adele struggles with a life of marriage and obligation as her Equatorian Empire and their American Republic allies stand on the brink of war against the vampire clans of the north. However, the alliance's horrific strategy for total victory drives Adele to abandon her duty and embark on a desperate quest to keep her nation from staining its hands with genocide. Reunited with her great love, the mysterious adventurer known to the world as the Greyfriar, Adele is pursued by her own people as well as her vengeful husband, senator Clark. With the human alliance in disarrray, Prince Cesare, lord of the British vampire clan, seizes the initiative and strikes at the very heart of Equatoria.

As Adele labors to bring order to her world, she learns more about the strange powers she exhibited in the north. Her teacher, Mamoru, leads a secret cabal of geomancers who believe Adele is the one who can touch the vast power of the Earth that surges through ley lines and wells up at the rifts where the lines meet. These energies are the key to defeating the enemy of mankind, and if Princess Adele could ever bring this power under her command, she could be death to vampires. But such a victory will also cost the life of Adele's beloved Greyfriar.

The Rift Walkeris the second book in a trilogy of high adventure and alternative history. Combining rousing pulp action with steampunk style, the Vampire Empire series brings epic politcal themes to life within a story of heartbreaking romance, sacrifice, and heroism.

Book#3 - Expected publication: September 2012 by Prometheus


Izabela said...

Super ! Inca o serie cu vampiri. Sunt o fana a genului cu vampiri, indiferent ce tip de personaje sunt acestia. Seria aceasta chiar pare grozava.

ank said...

sunt vampiri putin altfel :), amandoua cartile sunt cu un pic de romantism dar au si actiune (exista un Fat-Frumos si o printesa)

Mirela said...

sunt bestiale descrierile sunt foarte misto...imi doresc seria asta mult

andra lavander said...

copertile sunt geniale, iar titulul mi se pare superb, cum spuneam , atunci cand titlul este bun obisnuies sa citesc cartea

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