Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The HUNT by Andrew Fukuda

"One of the most brilliant, original books I've read in a very long time. This is the kind of book you'll want to stay up with all night to finish!"
"It is AWESOME. Think of the Hunger Games with vampires."
—Richelle Meade, #1 New York Times bestselling author of the Vampire Academy series
Don’t Sweat.  Don’t Laugh.  Don’t draw attention to yourself.  And most of all, whatever you do, do not fall in love with one of them.

Gene is different from everyone else around him.  He can't run with lightning speed, sunlight doesn't hurt him, and he doesn't have an unquenchable lust for blood.  Gene is a human, aka a heper, and he knows the rules.  Keep the truth a secret.  It's the only way to stay alive in a world where humans are hunted.  When he's chosen by lottery to hunt the last remaining humans, Gene's carefully constructed life begins to crumble.  He's thrust into the path of a girl who makes him feel things he never thought possible—and into a ruthless pack of hunters whose suspicions are growing. Now that he has finally found something worth fighting for, his need to survive is stronger than ever—but will it come at the cost of his humanity?

 Start Reading THE HUNT Now


Nu transpira. Nu rade. Nu atrage atentia asupra ta. Si mai presus de toate, orice ai face, nu te indragosti de unul de-al lor.

Gene este diferit fata de toti cei din jurul sau. El nu poate alerga iute ca fulgerul, soarele nu-l raneste, si nu are o neindoielnica pofta pentru sange. Gene este un om, alias heper, si cunoaste regulile. Tine adevarul ascuns! Este singura cale sa ramai in viata intr-o lume in care oamenii sunt vanati. Cand Gene este ales la loterie sa-i vaneze pe ultimii oameni ramasi, viata lui construita cu grija incepe sa se naruie. El este impins in calea unei fete care il face sa simta ceea ce nu a crezut niciodata posibil - si intr-o banda de vanatori din ce in ce mai suspiciosi. Acum, cand in sfarsit a gasit ceva pentru care merita sa lupte, nevoia lui de a supravietui este mai puternica ca niciodata - dar il va costa oare pierderea umanitatii sale?


Unknown said...

Ce imi place cand exista povesti de dragoste. Eu una sunt curioasa de ce el este diferit si de ce oamenii sunt vanati? Asta chiar este ...bizar, da rin sensul bun al cuvantului.
Imi place mult coperta; parca-i o pictura in piatra.

Cristinab said...

intr-adevar, coperta e minunata! si subiectul cartii e interesant. imi place ca exista tentative de dragoste in astfel de carti. sunt sigura ca are un happyend ;))

andra lavander said...

hunger games cu vampiri, interesant, mai ales pentru ca este recomandata de richelle mead

Mirela said...

ufff...o ador...vreau sa apara si la noi neaparat

Si soarele e o stea

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