A mysterious and powerful fantasy adventure from a Schneider Award winner
In the near future, most of the population of the United States has been destroyed by the plague. The few remaining survivors live in colonies on the barrier islands off the East Coast. In one colony near Cape Hatteras, almost all the members have elemental powers and can control wind, water, earth, and fire. All but sixteen-year-old Thomas. When the Guardians, the powerful adult leaders, are kidnapped by pirates seeking to take over their colony, it is up to Thomas and a small group of teens to save them and preserve the mysteries of the island.
Fast action, strategy, and mystery churn together into a bold and fresh fantasy from an award-winning author.
In the near future, most of the population of the United States has been destroyed by the plague. The few remaining survivors live in colonies on the barrier islands off the East Coast. In one colony near Cape Hatteras, almost all the members have elemental powers and can control wind, water, earth, and fire. All but sixteen-year-old Thomas. When the Guardians, the powerful adult leaders, are kidnapped by pirates seeking to take over their colony, it is up to Thomas and a small group of teens to save them and preserve the mysteries of the island.
Fast action, strategy, and mystery churn together into a bold and fresh fantasy from an award-winning author.
O aventura fantasy, misterioasa si puternica, a unui scriitor detinator al premiului Schneider.
Intr-un viitor apropiat, majoritatea populatiei Statelor Unite a fost distrusa de molima. Cei cativa supravietuitori traiesc in colonii dincolo de bariera de insule a Coastei de Est. Intr-o colonie de langa Cape Hatteras, aproape toti membrii au puteri asupra elementelor, putand controla vantul, apa, pamantul si focul. Toti in afara de tanarul de 16 ani, Thomas. Dar atunci cand Gardienii, puternicii conducatori adulti, sunt rapiti de piratii ce vor sa le ocupe colonia, ramane pe seama lui Thomas si a unui grup mic de adolescenti sa-i salveze si sa apere misterele insulei.
Actiune exploziva, strategie si mister sunt imbinate intr-o fantasy indrazneata si invioratoare.
Expected publication: November 21st 2012 by Dial
oare de ce Thomas nu le poate controla?! chiar imi place subiectul, e destul de... nu stiu... cred ca intrigant ar fi cuvantul cel mai apropiat de ce vreau sa spun. coperta e bestiala ever! o ador!!!
Da, coperta e mortala. Norii aceia se vad..aproape ca niste munti si aceasta minge de serpi e fantastica.
E cam distopie nu?
Waw ! Chiar imi place !
Sper sa ajunga si la noi intr-o buna zi :D
Ma incanta mai ales chestia cu stapanirea elementelor !
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