Monday, March 12, 2012

Grasping at Eternity (The Kindrily Series, #1) by Karen Amanda Hooper

Leave it to Maryah Woodsen to break the one rule that will screw up eternity: Never erase your memories. 
Before entering this life, Maryah did the unthinkable—she erased. Now, at seventeen years old, she’s clueless that her new adoptive family has known her for centuries, that they are perpetually reincarnated souls, and that they have supernatural abilities. Oh, and she's supposed to love (not despise) Nathan, the green-eyed daredevil who saved her life. 
Nathan is convinced his family’s plan to spark Maryah's memory is hopeless, but his love for her is undying. After spending (and remembering) so many lifetimes together, being around an empty version of his soulmate is heart shattering. He hates acting like a stalker, but has no choice because the evil outcast who murdered Maryah in their last lifetime is still after her. 
While Maryah’s hunter inches closer, she and Nathan make assumptions and hide secrets that rip them further apart. Maryah has to believe in the magic within her, Nathan must have faith in the power of their love, and both need to grasp onto the truth before they lose each other forever—and discover just how lonely eternity can be. 
X-MEN meets MY NAME IS MEMORY in Karen Amanda Hooper’s latest young adult release. 
Coming in May of 2012.


JustLaugh said...

sa uiti toate amintirile ce neplacut si interesant:|:))..coperta e naturala si draguta, dar parca nu strica sa puna un efect ceva:D..

mayabijoux said...

hmmm...suna foarte interesant! plus ca si coperta imi place mult! daca nu ma insel, seamana cu sange albastru la chestia cu reincarnarea (nu am citit seria, doar cartea aceea cu bloddy valentines).

Mirela said...

sincer imi pare destul de interesanta descrierea cartii, oare cum arata Nathan :X

Simona said...

Coperta mi se pare super :x Imi place si font-ul folosit :D
De descrierea nici nu mai zic.. Imi place foarte mult subiectul si chiar as citi aceasta carte. Sunt curioasa daca isi va aminti cine este defapt si daca isi va da seama ca il iubeste pe Nathan :D

Unknown said...

Mie imi place mult copeta. E atat de simpla, atat de naturala si asta o face foarte speciala. Mi-ar fi placut sa nu fie kindle ca nu am unde.

-D- said...

Chiar ca e nasol sa uiti toate amintirile.. pare interesanta iar coperta e frumoasa

andra lavander said...

coperta este superba, descrierea imi aduce amintte de Fallen sau evermore

Bonnie Ithil said...

Cred ca o sa fie o carte superba cu un subiect destul de interesant. Coperta imi place mult chiar atrage atentia :D

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